Friday, May 23, 2003

I think i'm going to tidy the house up now.
I may be some time.

Another Friday early shift. I think the very worst thing about earlies is that I wake up about 3am and then find it really hard to get back to sleep. Hence, I was watching bits of 28 Days Later at 4am this morning. I think the mixture of lack of sleep, zombies and the excitement that only the thought of four days off work can bring, have sent me a bit funny. I'm listening to Murder Song by The Cooper Temple Clause with a funny gleam in my eye.
So, whats planned this weekend?
Well curry and booze tonight followed by Jeffrey Lewis and booze tomorrow. Sunday will be The Matrix and booze. Not sure about Monday and Tuesday yet.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Phone answered at 3:26pm. Phone call use rating: 8%.
On a more positive note: Woo hoo! We're going to Paris!


I'm still on hold.

I've been sat on hold for over an hour now. I may start to cry soon, I don't think theres much more of the four seasons that I can take.
So i'll type in some randomness for my blog. See if I can finish it before they answer.
I think today I may book our free flight tickets to Paris, it seems appropriate seeing as I have to give four weeks notice. Is four nights enough time? I think i'd better check.
Something odd happened to me on Monday night whilst in the pub and it worried me a bit. I thought something was about to happen and much to my surprise bits of my brain and kidneys kicked in. I felt a bit odd, mainly due to the surprise of it. Is that suitably confusing? You all confused now? Goodio.
Telphone has paused. Potential answer? No, more four seasons again. PICK UP THE PHONE! ANSWER ME! ANSWER ME YOU INFIDELS!
Right, what else can I type about?
Hmm, my right leg really hurts today. Nothing interesting there. Hmm...
Ooooh, zombies! 28 days later turned up today, part of me wanted to keep it and watch at the weekend but sod that. I WANT ZOMBIES NOW! I think this will be one of the few DVDs were I watch every single bit of it.
Hee hee, I could use this weblog to do a wicked whispers style thing. Hee hee. Maybe not.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Now this is just BANG AHT OF ORDAH!
Well we won the football, 2-0. I played quite well bar some terrible shooting. I could have had a hat trick.
Yet I got injured again. I pulled a muscle in my left leg early on but thought, what with it being my shit leg, that i'd just carry on. Then in an accidental clash with a team mate, I got a dead right leg. I still carried on and only when I stopped moving did I realise I was in trouble.
I've just got home and it took me five minutes to get out of the car as my legs have stopped working.
Jesus, if I had to have an MOT i'd be straight to the scrap yard. You'd get a couple of bob for my elbows, they seem to work properly.

Why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?
I only quote Travis under duress but it was the lines I thought of when I pulled into the works car park this morning and it started pissing down. It always does that! There was no sign of rain on the journey into work but as soon as I pull into the car park, the arse falls out of the clouds. Once inside, it stopped. I curse you mumrah!
I probably did lie when I was seventeen, I seem to remember trying to fit in with my Fleetwood based mates, trying to be interested in what they were. I gave that up pretty shapish when I realised we had nothing in common.
Last night we went to the pub for Pauls birthday, it was fun but I didn't have the taste for booze that I usually have and only had a couple. I think my bodys booze-water symmetry is still out of alignment from Saturday night.
Tonight is the second game in our inter-department footy competition. I've only just stopped hurting from the first one.

Monday, May 19, 2003

First things first, why don't my fucking archives work? Am I just being a spaz or have my ramblings been lost forever?
Hmm, which sort of reminds me...
I don't know why I started a weblog, boredom at work I guess and deciding I need to do something which contains at least a semblance of creativity. Hey-ho, I’ve mentioned the negative points before but they seem to be lost in the great archive vanishing of 2003. I typed the last two posts up at work last Thursday and have only just posted them now because I've been considering various things about this log. The second of the posts (the one relating to the pub quiz), contained a lengthy diatribe about the university rugby team. I had doubts whilst typing it, it was expletive-ridden and contained rather frank sexual descriptions. Did I want people to read that? I didn't know but just went with the flow anyway, I don't like censoring myself. Maybe that's a bad thing, there are times when we all need to actually watch what we say and do, I've been at the centre of so much trouble because of my inability to keep my opinions to myself. It's my own problem, it's not like it's an actual physical thing which makes me forthright, it's my own stupid brain.
Anyway, I let Marie read it to see what she thinks because as usual, and probably in a soppily pathetic way I seek her approval of most things I do. Plus she's the brains of the outfit and usually puts a sensible brake on my poor thought out emotion-fuelled outbursts. And she pointed out a good thing and one that concerns me.
The rant I put in the weblog made me seem so so angry and unreasonable. People by and large see me as an angry person, theres a lot of truth in it, I am prone to strong opinions but it's not the main part of my personality by a long way. I can be perfectly reasonable, calm and logical, I don't go around shouting at everybody all day. I do have strong opinions which I like to voice, but sometimes I crank it up even further, riddle my opinions with expletives and hyperbole to emphasise how strongly I feel about something. I guess its this that makes people think I just go around hating everything all day.
So I thought about it and took it out.
Still it was quite funny I guess in a ranty way, it'll probably be available as an extra on the DVD.

So, now calmer, and with a hat of reasonableness stuck on my head, I continue with the weekend chart rundown...

On Friday night we divved about with the NME quiz and then travelled down to Telford. Arrived there about midnight so after a quick whiff of Jacks smelly breath, it was time for bed.
Travelled into Birmingham on Saturday and spent a hundred quid on jeans. Jesus, the day before I was having money worries due to a stupidly large credit card bill and within a day had spent a hundred quid on radiohead tickets and another on jeans. Had a meander around Brum, trying not to spend anymore money. Did get a card and present for Pauls birthday though.
The reason we'd come down to Telford, bar to see Marie’s mum and dad, was to go and see The Cooper Temple Clause. So new jeans firmly in place, we headed off to Wolverhampton.
Now here is where I should maybe censor myself again. The following does not paint me in an attractive light, and maybe its way too much information. But, I can't be expected to keep everything like this to myself straight away so please show me patience...
I'd had stomach ache for about an hour, but on the bus into Wolverhampton from Julia's house I developed excruciating stomach cramps. It was agony and I had bent over double a couple of times wandering to the pub next to the gig venue. My stomach was turning and I felt in real pain. I rushed to the pub toilet where I had an unwanted and impromptu attack of the squits. Noticing the loo roll in the toilet to be very low, I sent Marie on a reccy for more but realised that maybe a pub change was required to somewhere with an adequate loo-roll supply. She must be an angel, I don't know how she can see attraction in and be so caring for somebody desperately trying not to poo his pants. I'm sure Brad Pitt never has this sort of problem.
We went to the gig venue, where I had to retreat to the toilets again. I'd been really looking forward to the gig all week but it looked like we'd have to go home. I felt really guilty about ruining everybody’s night so decided that I wasn't going to let my stomach win. I battled against the pain for a while and thankfully it started to ease. I don't know if I'd eaten something bad or whatever but for a couple of hours in Wolverhampton, I just wanted to curl up and die.
The Cooper Temple Clause were amazing! Fucking stupendously good! Sometimes when I’m excited about a gig, it can't live up to the high expectations I have for it, but this did. So good! I loved their album, the quiet-build-build-build-explode sound of many of their songs really appealed to me, mixing this with loads of energy, band members throwing great exuberant shapes and brilliant lighting, made the hairs stand up on my neck for virtually the whole gig. I'd love to do a lengthy review of it but feel it'd probably just descend into a sequence of sweary superlatives. So just trust me, it were bazzin!
Bowels relatively stable, we then got drunk. I don't remember getting back, I just sort of felt into a coma. Damn you cherry flavoured vodka drinks!
Woke up with a bad hangover, drinking alcohol after losing so much of my bodies liquid (ewww!) earlier in the evening, was a stupid thing to do.
Spent the rest of the day wandering around Ironbridge and looking through Marie's old photo albums. Hee, I just wanted to gawp at all the old pictures of Marie in a haughty, smug and kinda jealous way.
Got home lightning fast, mainly due to the amount of gabbing we did in the car, causing the car to go faster. Hmm, maybe. And thats it really. Busy week ahead, Pauls birthday, more football, Jeffrey Lewis gig etc.
Oh and I should really mow the garden.

Woo! Yay! We won the Sun Hotel pub quiz last Wednesday. It was close, it was tight but the Glenn-Marie axis won through in the end. We now have eight free pint vouchers to spend. Booze! I suppose i'll have to fork out for Maries gin still though whilst I enjoy the taste of free booze. That way we both win. Though next time I won't make her laugh whilst she has a mouthful of gin. That way I won't end up getting showered with it.
The night was sullied somewhat by the sight of the university rugby team piling into the Sun. This involved about twenty well built gentlemen piling into the "snug", most of them dressed in identikit black shirts, rugby team ties and eighties style chinos. They then chanted their rugby songs and had drinking games, all at the highest volume possible....
*Takes off politeness hat*
[Long, vitriol laden, expletive ridden, possibly quite amusing but ultimately futile rant removed at the sort of people who play on the university rugby team]
*Puts on politeness hat*
Jesus, I hope me ma n' da never find out I have a weblog.
Today at work I have had the piss taken out of me, that my work trousers are a bit tight and "gay". This included the group of people who voted me the 6th best looking girl in the office a few years ago when I had long hair. It was a bit wierd having people checking out my trousers in the office. Whats that about?
Maybe i'm putting on weight in the pelvic area. Hmm, better play more football I think.

Systems Computing (me) 0 Systems Engineering 1

Oh well, we lost. I think in the last 6 years of playing in the inter-department competition i've only been on the winning side once. I scored two goals in that game as well, a thumping of Boeing. Then again, their side was full of damn yankees, talking about offence and defence (sorry, make that offense and defense). I seem to remember one of them wearing a bandana as well.
The result was about fair I think, we didn't create many chances. Our defence and goalkeeper were excellent, the chap in goal was only beaten by people following up after his excellent penalty save. I used to play football to my strengths. I could run quickly and my passing was quite good. Recent years though have seen my weight increase by about 50% and my laziness grow by about the same degree. I didn't play too badly, I faded in the second half as my legs felt really heavy but hopefully i'll get another chance to play. I just have to find some new strong points and try to play to them.
I got a twatting on the head as well. I jumped up for a header (which is rare) and got there first (even rarer). The guy challenging me sadly headed me instead. It hurt for a while but I quickly resumed playing to my slightly rubbish standards.
I really ache today as well.