Tuesday, August 17, 2004

CNPS Number : 23

Stupid game. I drove all the way to Aberdeen and back, and didn't see a number 24. I also saw very few of the other numbers in the twenties, I think this game has run aground already. Damn you CNPS gods! Damn you to CNPS Hades!
Yeah, I drove to Aberdeen on Sunday for my Uncle James's funeral on the Monday. It's a long old way to the east coast of Scotland, it took me 6 hours there and almost the same on the way back. I drove quite quickly as well, mainly because I started to get tortuous pains in my back from being cramped up in an unnatural position for 300+ miles.
It's a shame we couldn't have been visiting Aberdeen in happier circumstances, it's a pretty city. I always remembered it from childhood as being a huge sprawling city, but had started to believe in the 13 years that had passed since I'd last been that this was just because everything seems bigger when you're a kid. But no, it still does seem as big as it used to be.
It was nice to see family members who I hadn't seen for a long time, my cousin Scott even invited us up to stay with him next time we fancied a visit. I have a gigantic swarm of relatives up there, It's just a shame that they're all so far away.
When we first arrived in the city, I just felt really sad. A lot of my memories of Aberdeen were tied to my Uncle James and they all came back to me.
Funerals are truly horrible affairs, as well as being upsetting for the loss of somebody, I also feel helpless that I can't stop the grief of other people. I can do nothing to help them, nobody can.
Hmm, I thought I may write a bit about the trip, but now I find that I don't want to. Sorry.

On Saturday we celebrated the 27th birthday of Mr. Liam Astley, of Lancaster, Lancashire. As usual it was a fancy dress party, this years theme was 'Cartoon and Comic characters'. As mentioned in the last blog, I went as Fry from Futurama.
As you can see, there was some quality effort put in for various costumes, and it'd be wrong to single anyone out.
It was nice to see people I haven't seen for a long time, including Neil, Ady and Woody Johnhouse. It's a shame we don't all meet up more often. I had a nice chat with various people, but as I wasn't drinking I soon started to lag behind everybody and found myself struggling to keep up with how loud and drunk people were becoming. It's at this time that you suddenly feel quite responsible, yet also the most boring person there. Still it was fun and it's nice that we still bother to put a bit of effort on for birthdays and the like.
I don't think you can see fully off the pictures how completely and utterly spazzed-up certain people were. At one stage Paul started laughing maniacally to himself for ten minutes whilst steadying his head on my arm. I found this funny and have stored this memory for future use. Heh, some people shouldn't be allowed out of the house.

I can't wait for the weekend, the V festival should be great. I hope the weather holds up as it's a bit mental at the moment, a mixture of intense rain showers and sunshine.