Monday, July 07, 2003

Right, the weekend....
I'd better be careful here, too many rocks to run aground upon.
On Friday night we had a sit down, some Glenn chilli -not a euphemism- and watched a couple of videos. It isn't much, it isn't spectacular, or even SPAZTACULAR, but it was nice after spending the last few weeks charging around doing stuff, to actually have a night sitting down.
I'm becoming a bit of a "Glenn two-dish" with my chilli and macaroni cheese. I just really like it, Marie does too, so why shouldn't we eat it repeatedly? The leftovers are sat on my desk looking at me now. Makes for a cheap dinner.
We watched two films, "Dirty Pretty Things" and "Last Orders". Dirty Pretty Things was okay, I guess it was quite sweet, I just find it a bit uncomfortable to watch a film in which Amelie is kind of raped. It makes the world a very dark place indeed and destroyed the joy from my septic pus-filled heart. It's ok though because Last Orders put the joy back. Well, no, it didn't actually. It was another downbeat film, about death and friendship. Quite good, but when I went to bed, I felt heavy on my feet.
Saturday was wedding day!
Hee hee, I actually found myself a bit giddy and slightly nervous as I was getting ready on Saturday morning. I really don't know why, I guess it was the excitement of something different happening. Karl and myself wore suits, and both looked really uncomfortable in them. Marie looked spiffing, all girly like. After a morning spent trying to wrap a Buddha statue, we went to the registry office.
Nick had got his wish it seemed, it was just a hardcore group of guests, immediate family and just a handful of friends. We stood around outside for a while, people taking reel after reel of pictures. We were waiting for Liam. Liam had decided to leave it to the very last minute, people who'd never met him were asking us where he was, and the bride and groom asked the registrar to make sure he was here before the wedding started. He did turn up though, dressed as smartly as he could manage.
It was quite a quick service, just some vows exchanged with very dry mouths, and then tonnes more photographs before we all made our way to where the after-wedding meal was. I'd been in The Ship in Freckleton before a few times from work and had always found that I wasn't really catered for food-wise. I was this time though and it was really nice, filling our faces with free food and booze. I'd hoped I was eating Nick's money but it seems I was denied that pleasure.
All in all it was sweet, really nice,even to a recently retired grumpy old cynic like me.
After a sit-down to allow the food to digest, we then spent the night drinking in Roper Hall and The Sun. People were met, including a very drunk Paul and it was cool. I haven't been out drinking in Preston for a couple of weeks, I always quite enjoy it. It gives me an excuse to talk non-stop for hours on end. I think we're going out on Wednesday night, I’m looking forward to it. It's something to hope for at the start of another bleak week at work.
On Sunday we milled around a while, took a trip into town and then to Lancaster before going to visit my parents. They fed us as well, another three-course meal. I lost half a stone in Paris through all the walking around, I feel it may be creeping back.