I love me more than a thousand babieses
Lets Clear Up Some blog points.
The first line of The Manic Street Preachers song 'Faster' is…
'I am an architect, they call me a butcher'
It's one of my favourite songs. The inexplicably popular TV program Eastenders has a longstanding character with the name of Pat Butcher. Put them together and that is why this blog is called what it is.
Okay, now lets move on to the colour scheme. I didn't choose this hot brown on brown action. It reminds me of Caramac, and I hate Caramac (it tastes and looks like sick). Blogger chose it for me, and I was way too lazy to argue with it. I am however aware that it is disgusting and that I should change it, but I've had it as my colour scheme for over 18 months now. It feels like I'd be putting down a puppy. Not a particular cute puppy, but I'd still feel bad about putting a one eyed, six legged small mongrel to sleep. What do you think? Keep or get rid? Let me know.
I'm really bored at work today, hence this blog about virtually nothing. I have a new phone with exciting games on it, I can play with that later on. I can also have a venture outside to find my current CNPS nemesis (85). Bar that, I have no idea how to fill the time between now and 4:30. I've even completed the word puzzle in the paper (make 20 words of 4 or more letters from IHKOCTOPT, all which must contain the C, and not include purals).
I may download 'Little House Of Savages' for my new ringtone, but that is hardly going to pass 6 hours is it?
Part of the problem for my boredom is that I am way ahead of schedule. I was a year ahead but by slowing down I managed to claw that back to 6 months. Then, the bastards went and pushed the project further back so I've ended up being 18 months ahead. It's quite likely that within the next 18 months they'll cancel the Nimrod anyway, so there is a big chance that no work I can do from now on will have any effect. Motivating!
It's strange in a way that I've worked on Nimrod (and support for Nimrod) for nearly 8 years and if the project is cancelled I'll have wasted my time. They'll have spunked out 200 grand to get me to achieve nothing at all. That'll look great on my CV. I think I'd better change it to say I've been in prison for the last 8 years.
It seems odd that the government will have spent billions of taxpayer's money on the development of quite a good aircraft, to then sack it off to save money on production. Ah well, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I just thought of something to write about, but then forgot it almost immediately. This job has rotted my brain.
We went round to visit the Taylor family last week. Jo had vanished on a course (probably to avoid us and our unreasonable demands for tea). So that left Nick and Grace to entertain us. I know Grace is only about 8 months old, but she doesn't seem very chatty. She just seems to cry when she's left with us. Nick just fussed over Grace.
I don't want to seem unreasonable, but what about me? We'd gone round there with presents for Nick's 30th, and he ignored us for large periods of time where he looked after the little 'un. I'm not bragging here, but I'm far more fascinating than any young child is. I can talk, walk, sing and dance. Yeah, and I'm only listing the obvious things here. I could go on forever.
But, no! We were expected to be fascinated in a small human crawling around and drooling. If I did that, would anyone find it cute? No! So why should there be one rule for children and one rule for adults?
If I have a child, I'll be treating them like an adult from day one. I'll even but him/her their first pipe as an infant. And I don't mean 'crack' pipe, I wouldn't be an irresponsible parent. It would be your standard and rather elegant tobacco pipe.
Let's see, hmm, I've known Nick for about 122 months. Grace has known Nick for 8 months. That means that I've known him 15 times longer, I should get 15 times as much attention. Tsk!
Me me me me me!
Xian says I'm a lot like Larry David. I can't see it myself. Nick Taylor though is just like him (or at least was before he started giving children inflated importance over longstanding friends).
So we bought him that on DVD for his birthday. I hope he noticed that I didn't bring a cute baby to his birthday to steal the attention away from the birthday boy. No, I didn't. But did he have the same courtesy for me?
I think it would be undignified of me to answer that.