Friday, December 19, 2003

Oh yeah, Lord Of The Rings did make me jizz.

Last Friday we went to see Belle & Sebastian supported by the really rather ace Franz Ferdinand. It was really good – I actually surprised myself by knowing 80% of the songs played. I’ve always been a bot of a dabbler with B&S, especially the latest album, but maybe I've picked up more than I at first realised. I was also surprised at the audience – I thought it would be a load of fey indie wimp boys and girls with hair slides. There were some of them there, but the audience had a lot of older people and some of them normal looking folk.
Anyway, I enjoyed it and it was nice to go to a gig in Liverpool instead of Manchester all the time.
Tomorrow is the last gig of the year, and if I’m honest, the one I’m looking forward to the most. Embrace are playing three secret gigs over this weekend in Leeds – their first gigs for over eighteen months. It’s in a really small venue and it sold out really quickly. We paid a fucking stupendous amount for tickets over ebay though, an actually frightening amount. Fuck it – I earn enough money doing this shitty job. I’m only saving up to have people bumped off anyway, I’ll give them an extra month stay of execution. As a christmas present. Happy christmas!
Then a gig break till new year, when we go and see the artist who has produced my favourite record of this year. Ooh, a clue!
Marie has gone down to t’midlands for a couple of days as she has more holidays than me (I’ve had about four since June). Maybe next year I’ll try and not use all my holidays before the years barely started.
She got Dave to babysit me last night, it was fun, we just sat around and talked shit whilst fannying around on the playstation…and listening to Dave shout along to Bat Out of Hell. It was cool, I got my first christmas presents. Well “we” did anyway. Christian and Sian got us a travel version of Guess Who so now Marie can claim I’m cheating whilst on the move. Yippee! Dave got us a playstation dance mat which I bizarrely find the thought of really exciting. I just hope it doesn’t lead to more broken ribs.
I also had a nice chat in the car with Paul (sorry to embarrass you Paulio). We wittered about all sorts of shit.
It’s a bit mental at the moment telling everyone “our news”. Marie gets it worse than me as she is the one being fussed over, people seem to have forgotten that I’m involved. Oh well, fair enough with me. I’m glad people are happy though – that’s nice to know.