Friday, May 11, 2007

I Feel Kinda Nice Inside

Aw man, I've eaten way too much. I may actually die. Die from food.
I'm having a quiet night in, which is a nice change because things are a bit too hectic at the moment. There is too much to do!

The computer has died (this is the laptop) which has sadly lost all my emails from over the years, but luckily i've salvaged my indietron code, pictures and the like. I'd have been pissed if I'd lost all my pictures. Hmm, I've just decided I should put some pics up on flickr. I have some funny ones from ATP on my phone.

Life is good, yet chock-a-block with things at the moment. The last indietron evening was probably my favourite yet; not the highest for numbers (though top 3 in this case) but because everyone had a laugh and seemed really happy. Which is great. It's only 3 weeks till the next one, but I have another DJ event in the meantime, playing records in-between and after the bands on at the Big Fringe next Friday. I'm looking forward to that, especially as it'll allow me to see the mighty Condor Moments.

Preston FM starts in just two weeks time. That's exciting, yet makes me vaguely manic with giddiness. That's not what I want to happen. The radio course has actually been really good, and I've met a lot of really nice people from various backgrounds, ages and outlooks.

Then there is my course...which may not be what I'm after.

And the decorating. The fucking decorating. Heh, the kitchen is finished now (and looks rather spiffing), leaving just the master bedroom and the hallway/landing. Me & me da are moving that along on Sundee.

Anyway, last weekend was really nice, and it was great to hang around with all my friends, spread over 3 or 4 nights. They all make me laugh.

I apologise if all this seems really happy, but I feel quite jolly. I have had a few beers mind. Nah, fuck it, hooray!