Thursday, November 23, 2006


After about 15 minutes of floating around in the bath last night I got bored of blowing bubbles with the bath water – and a man who is bored of blowing bubbles in bathwater is surely bored of life – and turned to reading the back of the Radox bottle instead. It wasn’t the best thing I’ve ever read but was at least better than the Harry Hill book. And the last Nick Hornby book. And the last Mil Millington book. And so on…
The thing that stuck out on the back of the bottle was a bar chart. The x-axis had four different bars; there was a control pre-bath bar, one for a standard bath, one for a bath with Radox added, and one for a bath containing some other foam guff. The y-axis was “tension level”. The chart quite clearly showed that your tension level was high before you had a bath, a little lower after a bath, but soooo much lower with a Radox bath. What sort of scale is that? Tension level? What sort of arbitrary scale of measurement is that? Is there a scale of tensoids ranging from 1 to 10, where 1 is a state of bliss and a 10 is the time when your head actually explodes through sheer anger, sending a rain of boiling blood and seething brain matter over a 20 metre radius?