Thursday, March 11, 2004

For today’s blog entries to make any sense, they should probably be read from the bottom up.

Anyway, he seems to be preparing to leave. He’s putting documents into his briefcase. It seems that I underestimated his dedication to work. There I was just thinking he was a freak who happily stays at work till the late evening, when he surprises me by taking work home to read.
Maybe if he spent a little less time concentrating on work he’d find time to do some shopping and buy himself a new tie. The one he has on is appalling.
Yes! He go now.
Bye bye!

Now all I have to do is move my body once every five minutes to stop the lights automatically turning off. I think I can manage that till 9pm.

He’s photocopying now. He’s travelled across the office to photocopy one shitty sheet of paper. He was probably copying a printout of an email from his wife:

Dear Bob,
Why are you still at work? I had your tea ready hours ago. I made your favourite of liver and onions.
Your wife,

PS. The dog has worms again.

He’s probably going to file it in ‘wife correspondence’.


There’s one other guy left now. I keep staring at him but he’s not taking the hint. (see below).
It’s kind of obvious when one old bastard is beavering away with some document whilst I sit on nexus.


Jesus, he’s just picked up another document to become engrossed in.

I’m on a late shift at work today. There’s only me doing one, yet at 7:30pm there are still four other sad bastards in the office. Go home! There must be something else to fucking do in your lives rather than sit at your desk and produce meaningless excel spreadsheets. Go fucking home! It’ll fucking wait till tomorrow!
If they did all piss off I could have a nap.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

When I listed my favourite magazines, I missed Select off. Which is probably my favourite magazine of all time, yet also sadly defunct.
Anyway, weekend round up.
It was generally quiet, saving up money is a hard thing to do. Then again I spent 13 quid on a salt cellar so I guess I’m not trying hard enough.
On Saturday night we went to watch Dave’s Band play in Manchester. In his wisdom, Dave decided to put a coach on for his Lancaster based fan club. There was enough room to squeeze four of us on at Preston as well. Hee, the less said about the journey there and back the better.
It was cool to see the band whilst I wasn’t dying of parotitis. I certainly enjoyed it more, the lovely booze making the night most enjoyable. I thought The Superkings were really good, I picked the tunes out this time as it wasn’t the first time I’d heard them, and the sound was mixed far better. From what Dave said it didn’t sound very good on stage but from where we were it sounded bazzin.
We can’t let Dave get big headed though. For one thing, it’d look daft having a small face on a big head. Ya see, I’m just trying to keep his feet on the floor.
Sunday involved job avoidance, I really want to do up the house but I wasn’t in the mood for it on Sunday. Paul II came round to watch some TV and make himself some tea. The cheek!
Some cock-knocker smashed a window on Marie’s car, they didn’t steal anything or even attempt to break in. There was no actual implement led in the car either, so god knows what they smashed the window with. They may have used a hammer, I’d like one day to fuck them up with it.
Hmm, I had my appraisal at work yesterday. I put my case forward that I was resigned to the status quo continuing. I pointed out that if I moved to another contract, I had only my word for the extra responsibility I have in my role. I couldn’t resist slagging off certain people again. I don’t see why I shouldn’t, yet there was no attempt this time to placate me.
This company is in the shit at the moment. Big style. I guess I shouldn’t really complain that my role in it has been devalued. I haven’t looked at the documentation yet, she’ll have bigged me up as she usually does. It means fuck-all though, she didn’t have the bottle to face up to the problems in the team a year ago, and she’s not going to start now.