Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I’ve been punished. By my own body.
The day after the murder mystery party I woke up full of the joys of life. Everything seemed so beautiful, I felt like life was perfect.
My body couldn’t have this though so plotted a quick tactic of retribution. Seeing that Julia was ill with flu-like symptoms, it copied that. It couldn’t even be bothered coming up with something original for me to suffer with. So, by Sunday evening, my throat hurt, my legs ached and I sensed trouble awaited.
Monday brought a heavy cold and I had to suffer almost a week of snot, coughing, aching and shivering. Tuesday was the low-light, I went to bed gibbering and shaking, and then spent the night having the most random high-speed half dream / half pure madness I’d had for years. Friday wasn’t that much fun either, asking Marie to pull over in the car so I could splatter my shoes with decorative puke patterns.
Words cannot express how well Marie looked after me, or my gratitude for it.
Our Friday car trip was down to t’midlands so we could catch a gig and see Marie’s family and friends.
The gig in question was The Flaming Lips in Birmingham. It was great as expected, pretty much the same set list they’ve played the last three times we’ve seen them. We were stood right at the front in line with the speakers, so my hearing has been damaged that little bit more.
The F’Lips have people dressed in animal costumes on the side of the show. About halfway through, after the most intense use of strobe lighting I’ve ever seen, a panda had a seizure. I’ve never seen a panda on a stretcher before. The band were sweet about it and seemed genuinely concerned for the young ladies wellbeing.
They are a good band to watch, their tunes are great but the stage show is something else. The lighting, effects and huge screen behind the band are second to none. Aces! Oh and the balloons! At one stage I became obsessed in punching the balloons that were bouncing over the heads of the audience. Being eight inches taller than Marie, I think I got the ones she was after as well. Hee hee.
We stayed around afterwards for the Halloween party they had on in there, some of the costumes were good but none of our party seemed in the mood for boozing and dancing. I wasn’t particularly well; Julia and Marie were also recovering from colds. I seemed to be the oldest in there as well. Remember that, it’s a recurring theme.
Saturday was shopping day. We went to Bridgnorth, which is quite a pretty little town. We always end up spending money there on nothing in particular.
We then went to Shrewsbury where I visited a proper hair salon for only the second time in my life. My first trip to a hair salon occurred about three years ago where I finally decided to get rid of the ‘bob’ haircut that I’d had for three or four years. On that occasion I told them I’d wanted something shorter at the back and sides but longer on top. So they shaved it at the back and just over the ears – it was fucking horrendous.
So I was scared as I entered. It went okay though, he cut it well and even though I hated what he did with the wax (he made it look huge!), I could change that as soon as I’d left and walked round the corner. It’s okay, most people seem to like it, and it’s going to allow me to grow it a bit longer without looking like I have a helmet on.
Saturday night we saw Intolerable Cruelty. It’s unlike any other Coen film I’ve ever seen but it was okay. It seemed a bit long to me but that may have been due to the fact I still wasn’t 100% well. It had a couple of really funny moments though and was probably better than most of the other rubbish which seems to be out at the moment. I’d rather stick my johnson in a paper guillotine than watch Scary Movie 3.
On Sunday we left early so I could be back in Preston for 2pm to watch Liverpool play Fulham. Again Marie proving that she’s far nicer than me. It was a good game and we won – which is always nice.
Monday was spent defrosting the fridge whilst Marie became slowly addicted to Silent Hill 3 on the PS2.
Last night we travelled to Lancaster to visit The Crypt. I haven’t been there in ages, since Liam did a guest DJ slot there. It’s always quite enjoyable, we exploited the happy hour to its maximum and it was fuller than I’d ever seen it. Hey! Guess what? You’ll never guess but I was the oldest person in there. You’re surprised aren’t you? I can see it on your face.
It was really good, we’d had plenty to drink and the lot of us took over the dancefloor on numerous occasions. I seem to remember jumping like a spaz a lot and screaming ‘So damn easy to cave in, man kills everything’ at Paul.
Hee hee, it was hot in there and Paul, Dave and myself looked like right sweaty tramps when we got outside after it had closed. Liam managed to look less sweaty but had that look of “dangerous drunk” on his face. From what I’ve been told, he acted like that on the way home. Hee hee.
It was fun; we seem to be having more and more fun lately as a group of friends. Everybody seems up for whatever is happening and people seem to be having a good time.
We’ll probably all fall out now I’ve said that.