Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I've been sat on hold for over an hour now. I may start to cry soon, I don't think theres much more of the four seasons that I can take.
So i'll type in some randomness for my blog. See if I can finish it before they answer.
I think today I may book our free flight tickets to Paris, it seems appropriate seeing as I have to give four weeks notice. Is four nights enough time? I think i'd better check.
Something odd happened to me on Monday night whilst in the pub and it worried me a bit. I thought something was about to happen and much to my surprise bits of my brain and kidneys kicked in. I felt a bit odd, mainly due to the surprise of it. Is that suitably confusing? You all confused now? Goodio.
Telphone has paused. Potential answer? No, more four seasons again. PICK UP THE PHONE! ANSWER ME! ANSWER ME YOU INFIDELS!
Right, what else can I type about?
Hmm, my right leg really hurts today. Nothing interesting there. Hmm...
Ooooh, zombies! 28 days later turned up today, part of me wanted to keep it and watch at the weekend but sod that. I WANT ZOMBIES NOW! I think this will be one of the few DVDs were I watch every single bit of it.
Hee hee, I could use this weblog to do a wicked whispers style thing. Hee hee. Maybe not.


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