Thursday, June 03, 2004

Je Suis Une Spastique

I locked myself out of the house yesterday. I was sat there preparing to go into work (late) when I heard the bin van turning up. Realising that I hadn't moved the wheely bin to the end of the path, I did it in a rush. Then I discovered I'd shut the door behind me. I wandered off to a phone-box to call Marie on her mobile, then realised I had no money either. So I tried reversing the charges but that's not allowed to a mobile. That tight bitch Holly Valance. I'm gonna chuck a bag of chips into her big face next time I see her.
So I had to find the new place where Marie works. I knew that it was near Action Records but nothing more, I found it quite easy actually. I think it helped that the building had the company's name written in big letters across it. That was the clue I'd been looking for. So I talked a guy into letting me in, he even called me the lift. I then became quite scared at turning up in a strange office. I needn't have worried, the lift didn't turn up. I was left trapped in a reception area with the door locked electronically from the inside. Eep! Luckily Marie came to rescue me before I started to set up camp for the night.

Hmm, I hate reading back things I've written. When I write about what I've been up to, I tend to shake my head at the poor grammar and spelling. When I actually talk about some point of view that I hold, I cringe at the actual content. I find it extremely hard to put on paper what I'm actually thinking about. Then I get frustrated which makes it even worse. I should never write things down when I'm agitated, the emotions tend to cloud what I actually want to say.

So, this weekend is Karl's birthday. I think we're going to The Mill on Saturday night, Dave's band are playing there as well so it keeps thing simple to do all socialising in one place. I think this will also allow Dave to "work the floor".


At 6:38 pm, Blogger Glenn said...

watch it mary bedwetter


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