Sunday, May 23, 2004

The Nexus Big Night Out

Yesterday (one word in, and i spell the word wrong) we celebrated Paul becoming 27, as mentioned a couple of blogs ago.
We went paintballing in the afternoon, it was quite good fun, but maybe we shouldn't have put all the hardcore killers on one team, and the ambivalent, blind and useless people on the other. I was on the latter team and we got hammered in every game. Paintballs leave a bruise, this I have discovered. In one game I got hit in the arm, I raised my hand to signal i'd been hit, but then got shot again in the face. The paint went through the air vent in the protective mask, which was quite disorientating. I span round and then got shot twice in the back. I blame that sneaky John Woodhouse character.
I used all my shots in each game (50 is not enough), yet had an appaling aim. I got Paul a couple of times but seemed to be cannon fodder for anyone who wanted a pop at me.
Paul seemed to really enjoy it which heartened me.
Last night we went to The Mill for more celebrations. Maybe i'm hungover and the full horror hasn't hit me but I thought it was an ace night.
We didn't dance enough, though there were several songs where we all ended up on the dancefloor. I liked it when we invaded the stage as well, though to others it must have looked like a bunch of really drunk people falling over.
I think we were all truly pissed, I remember Paul's bristly face kissing my head, and I think pictures were taken throughout the night which will bring embarassment if they ever see the light of day.
I hope Pete is okay, as we left he somehow ran head first into a wall. It must have hurt. We lost Woody Johnhouse as well, he vanished completly into thin air. Maybe he went back to his home planet.
I'm sat downstairs now. Karl is lying on the sofa nearby, and Liam makes occasional gargling noises from the inflatable mattress in the back room. I think Marie is washing the sick out of her hair, Sian still seems to be asleep, Xian seems to be plotting world domination on his handheld computer thing. A houseful!

Yesterday was a good day and has left me with a warm glow.


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