Thursday, May 13, 2004

Examining User Nirvana

Jimi Woooo Hooooo!!
Randal Judith.
HaRdCoRe ?
Jimi Is that your "weekend" name?
Randal I'm going to bum you. Hard.
Marie you will not.
Randal everything's changed since he started going out with a girl.
Tazz im the same age as glenn... well for 2 more days
Nirvana 30 tomorrow!!!! ha ha ha hee ho
Tazz Alex likes cybersex u know
AgentOrange you're hardly one to talk, mr fanny kingsacks
Tazz Kingosacks actually
Sobriquet I don't think he's changed. Still a miserable excuse for a friend.
Nirvana whooooo!
moonbeam He just really, really wants you
Nirvana i can't blame him
Jimi I'm a tiger!
Jimi What about Merc drivers?? They're just as bad.
BigBlue apart from the nasty habit of calling me a racist i can't think of a nicer person
Nirvana i don't really think you're a racist
BigBlue i know you don't
Randal Glenn is great. Glenn is merciful. All hail Glenn.
Fraggle if you were really the future Mr. Allan, you'd have an eye patch and a robot arm
Fraggle likely a beard too
Vampire Glenn can't grow a beard <:-)
Nirvana i can grow a stubbly mess
Vampire You and Mati have so much in common
Nirvana jesus - says "master race boy"
Tazz Karl "deleted scenes" kuroski
Whispering Sid One day, all who have wronged me will have my thumbs pressed into their eye sockets
Whispering Sid is that a glenn-ism, or is it pilfered from somewhere?
Nirvana its a glennism
Randal Glennjism
Vampire I don't get the deleted scenes thing (_8>( o )
blew are you over here?
Tazz no over there
Sobriquet It's his barber I feel sorry for.
Marie what does that even mean?
Marie either its a slur on glenn having red hair, which i dont really think barbers care about
Marie or its a slur on him having long hair, which he doesn't anymore
Marie or, youre trying to say he has bad hair which (a) he doesnt
Marie and (b) surely a barber wouldnt mind if he did, as its his job to cut hair.
Marie is it too much to ask for you to make some sense?
Tazz erm... hello and stuff
Vampire I still don't get the deleted scenes thing
Tazz ooh a new in joke
Nirvana first one since 2001
Tazz Surely theres been others
Randal Not really.
Vampire If it involves me, can I not be in on it?????? (_8>( )
Nirvana deleted scenes!
AgentOrange i still can't get over the idea of mati making fun of other people's haircuts
Nirvana the mind cannot handle the fact that it may be ridiculous
Marie poorly glenn : (
HaRdCoRe get better Glenn, or i'll kill you
Nirvana thanks john, i hope you get me first
HaRdCoRe There is no greater honour than to be killed by a friend
HaRdCoRe except possibly post death fucking of your corpse
HaRdCoRe then a barbecue
Tazz im glad im normal
Jimi Monkeys like sticks ya know.
Tazz you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink
Jimi Dogs will sometimes eat their own poo.
HaRdCoRe ive seen videos of people doing that
Jimi People eating dog poo?
HaRdCoRe eating their own poo, but i imagine someone has ate dog poo on video some time
Nirvana devine
HaRdCoRe tape in post to crofters green
Jester I love you Glenn
Nirvana thank you Mr. Adrian
Jester It's quite alright
Nirvana would you like a cup of tea?
Jester Well, if you're offering, I wouldn't say no
HaRdCoRe I heard that about you
moonbeam Best "Examine User" page ever! Glen wins the prize!
Nirvana ooh, what do i win?
Nightmare you forgot one of his n's!
Nirvana *sob*
Nirvana why thank you
HaRdCoRe does adding n's increase the love?
Nirvana yes it does Johnnnnn
Nightmare what if you don't have any nnnnnn's?
Marie surely then you just add some, sarahnnnnnnnn
Nightmare thank you Mariennnnnnnnn


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