Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I didn’t go to Rockworld in the end. I need to consolidate my finances, I have lots of things to save up for and buying a laptop and the associated extras like the router have sort of put a dent into my bank balance. So I decided not to go, everyone seemed to have fun though and as I didn’t go it allowed everybody to fit into the one car.
I spent Friday evening playing with the laptop. It’s a shiny new thing so fascinates me, I’m kind of hoping it’ll wane eventually as I don’t want to become completely antisocial, refusing to communicate with anybody unless it’s over msn. I haven’t tried out the wireless range yet, I may nip to the spar and see if I can play on nexus whilst buying crisps. Heaven!
My hair is fucking huge. I look like I’m wearing a red american football helmet. I don’t really know how it suddenly ended up this massive, maybe it’s linked to grass growing season. I think it shall have to be cut ASAP.
On Saturday night we celebrated the 29th birthday of a Mr. John Hudson. He promised not to get so pissed this year after the events of 12 months ago. By about 10pm though he was quite clearly worse for wear and spent the rest of the evening staggering, swaying and talking louder than he thought. Hee hee, he seemed to have a good time though and everybody is allowed to be ultra-pissed for their birthday. It be the law.
He did vanish at 3am though to go to a mysterious party. We saw him on Sunday afternoon however, so he didn’t get deaded or anything.
I spent most of Saturday toiling over a board game I was making for Christian. I had a ‘Make Your Own opoly’ set, which I converted into nexus5opoly. The board came with a rudimentary computer package for printing out the board, money, deed cards and the game equivalent of ‘chance’ and ‘community chest’. It took ages to play around with the computer package to get it looking semi-acceptable. I hope Christian enjoys it, it did seem worth the effort.
Jesus, on Sunday night I became involved in another scarily time consuming event. Some guys from work play a game called ‘Postal 2’ over the interweb so I thought I’d join in on Sunday evening. We started playing at about 8pm and didn’t finish till 6 hours later. It was cool, sitting on the floor in the living room whilst removing the head of one of your friends with a point-blank shotgun attack to the head. Yay!
I was a bit shit at it having never played it before but after about three hours I managed to win my first round. It’s a dangerous world where your whole life vanishes in a world of online slaughter.
Yesterday we travelled with Liam and Dave to Liverpool to watch The Walkmen and The Stills. The Stills were headlining and were okay, I knew beforehand that they weren’t really my thing but I can’t say I hated them either. They seemed nice boys, if oddly enthusiastic for us British.
The Walkmen however were bazzin’. Holy shit, they excited me so much. The lead singer has one of the best stage presence’s I’ve ever seen, he just stood there shouting into the microphone, the veins on his neck and purple face poking out a mile. He looked like he’d kill every one of us IN A HEARTBEAT! When they played ‘The Rat’ all the hairs on my neck and arms lifted. I wanted to shout ‘YES!’ but managed to retain some dignity. I almost did a sex wee though.
So so so so good.
Tonight we travel across town to see Dave’s band again. I’m hoping that I manage to stay awake long enough, three late nights in a row due to nightclub-gaming-gig have left me in a zombie-like state.
Mmm, zombies.


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