Tuesday, April 13, 2004

A quick glance through the office mail in-tray this morning showed that there are four items of mail for people who once worked in our office but who are now dead. Cheery!
It doesn’t take being out of work long for the full horror of it to fade. I didn’t want to come back to work today after Easter, yet I wasn’t dreading it. I’d have feared it more if I hadn’t conveniently forgotten how fucking boring it is.
I’ve been in a couple of hours already, we’ve already discussed
-the latest LFC atrocity
-the positives and negatives of cordless mice
-why everybody should listen to The Walkmen CD on my desk
-why people should see the zombie films out at the moment
-how much it costs for travel insurance to Iraq and Kashmir.
We’re running out of topics now, so I’ve turned to documenting Easter in this blog.
On Friday night we saw Shaun Of The Dead. It wasn’t as funny as I’d hoped and there were several scenes were it appeared that the writers and actors had sort of run aground but I enjoyed it. I’ve thought about it a few times in the last couple of days and I realise that it was fun and even quite exciting. I approve.
The Superkings played in Preston for the first time on Saturday. It made a change from having to travel to Manchester to see Dave’s band, they played at The Mill so it was only a couple of minutes walk.
They were first on at 8:30 so I had the not-so-bright idea to start drinking at about 5:30. I didn’t drink slowly either, yet felt that I was handling this quite well. This was until about 11:30 when I had real problems with standing and speaking. I remember dribbling to Dave for about half an hour and then becoming quite keen on dancing. That was never gonna work though, I was quite close to meltdown. Poor Marie was probably looking forward to the rest of the night but ended up taking me home. The last thing I remember was falling over in the kitchen and being sick in the bin.
I missed the fucking dancing, they played The Rat by The Walkmen, I feel I would probably have ended up being chucked out by spazzing along to that song. I think I’ll take it calmer next time. I can be such a dick.
The Superkings were good as usual. I was a bit worried that there weren’t enough people there but apparently there were several people stood behind me who I hadn’t noticed. Anyway they seem to have garnered the feedback and opinions that they were after.
I seem to remember enjoying the other two bands that were on but the more I think about it the less I actually remember of them. I think I invented half of their act in my drink-addled fizzog.
Sunday was a bit of a mess. Dave had left his car and gear at my house. I don’t know if they planning to stay over but everyone had ended up going back to Lancaster. What it did mean though was that I couldn’t get at my car because Dave’s Micra was blocking the garage. Marie’s car had a flat battery so Karl ended up driving us all up to Lancaster. I quite like wasting a day doing nothing with friends, yet I did feel ever so slightly dead inside. Then again it seemed like everybody else did as well.
Jesus, I have big memory holes about Saturday night. I’m scared to ask for people to fill them in for me. It’s been a while since I was that fucking incoherently pissed.
I did some gardening yesterday. I hate gardening, I really dislike it. I spent about three hours digging, mowing, planting and strimming yet it still looks as bad as it did before I started. I’m hoping Marie’s mum comes to visit and makes it look nice. I won’t feel ashamed in using it then and having the barbecues that I’ve been promising people for years.
Tomorrow marks 4 years since I’ve been living in that house. Without a doubt they have been the four most action packed years of my life. For good and for bad, although it’s for far more good nowadays.
During my first year of work in 1997, one of the key memories I have is driving to BAe during the summer with my car windows wound down and the debut album by SilverSun blasting out. I found the CD in IndieTron this morning and am listening to it now. It still is one of my favourite albums of all time. It cheers me up from start to finish, it’s so powerfully sunny. Ahhh, I loves it. Oooh, I just noticed that it was produced by Nigel Godrich.
Heh, I bought the laptop of my dreams. It hasn’t turned up yet though, the Dell website still says they’re building it. Lazy shits should have been working over Easter. I just need to but the wireless cable router now, I think I’ll do that at lunch.


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