Saturday, May 08, 2004

We are the pigs, we are the swine

I had a dream about Suede last night. I was thinking about them during the evening so ended up dreaming about singing karaoke to Suede songs in the Star Bar in Blackpool. I was backed by the band as well. Heh, it was a good dream.
I'd been thinking about them as I spent an ace evening talking general rubbish with Marie. We talked about various festival experiences, both those we'd shared and others that we hadn't. I saw Suede at V99 and as the Stereophonics fans who'd just seen their favourite band play didn't want to hang around I made it to the front. I remember almost all of Suede's set as clear as a bell to this day. There I was stood amongst this collection of "fragile hearts in a world of drab thuggery" hearing all these songs i'd loved since about 1993, as the sun set on the hottest day of the year to create a beautiful blood-red sky. It still makes me tingle just thinking about it, and remains one of my greatest live music experiences to this very day. Nay, one of my greatest experiences full stop.
Suede will always be kind of special to me, not just because their music still manages to exhilarate to the present day, but because they were my entry point into the type of music that dominates my collection today. It was Suede who cemented me as an "indie kid" and lead me away from attempting to find enjoyment in Mudhoney and Pearl Jam albums. The music managed to elicit feelings and emotions from me that very few bands had before, Suede were so damn fucking cool the whole scene round them seemed to the 19 year old me as the place I wanted to be.
So here I am listening to Suede albums at 7:30am, wanting to throw shapes to 'Metal Mickey' and sing along to 'So Young'. I'd better not though, i'll wake half of the street up.
I'll always adore this band.


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