Thursday, May 27, 2004

A-G, A-G-R, A-G-R-O, AGRO!

It was the 2nd game in our inter-departmental football competition on Tuesday. We drew 3-3 and it was quite a good game, I played quite well for spells of it. The grass is a bit lush on there and wearing trainers due to the fact that the pitch is rock-hard makes it difficult to keep your feet sometimes. I went for a burton about halfway through the second half and jarred my knee. It's okay now but I went off as we had substitutes waiting and running was quite painful.
I wish I hadn't, I ended up being the linesman. I don't have the concentration for this job, I found myself staring at the clouds when I should have been in-line with our last defender. Well anyway, it was 3-3 and we were under loads of pressure. When I was paying attention I found myself giving the benefit of doubt to our team. Hee hee.
The opposition team were a gobby lot, way over-competitive for what is a fucking piss poor kick-about. About two minutes from the end one of their players just kept the ball in from going out for a throw-in. I don't know why but I instinctively put my flag up. The guy called me a cheat and demanded I admit it.
Now, I am willing to admit mistakes but not under confrontational circumstances. So I denied it. This inflamed the gobbiest twat on their team who started calling me a "fucking cheat". So I smiled and winked at him. He then tried to get past his team-mates to get at me. Hee hee, he ended up being booked. He scowled at me at the end of the game, along with some others on his team, I just smiled to myself. I did feel kind of bad about giving a wrong decision but they were so up themselves in demanding that I admit it, so I dug my heels in and lied through my teeth.

It's Marie's last day at work today before she starts her new job on Tuesday. I knew she'd end up crying at people saying goodbye and early reports show that I am right "big-style". Her desk has been filled with balloons, and there are posters up saying how much people will miss her. Poor soppy Marie.
I suppose I'd be quite sad to leave people who I liked at work. I know I have a few really good friends here. I guess the fact that I'd still see them outside work, allied with the fact that I fucking hate this place would mean that any leaving day for me would pass with a big grin on my chops.
I'd love to do what a guy did at BAe several years ago. When this guy left he filled his office with a magazine he'd made. I read a copy of it a couple of years ago and it's quite brutal, ripping into certain managers and employees without holding anything back.

Hmm, Liam was taking pictures on Saturday night. It has since come to my attention that I may have posed for a David Brent style photo. He seems quite keen to get these pictures on the net, I may have to go into hiding for a while.

Paul* came round for tea last night, we had the usual chilli. I tried to make it a really hot batch, it did taste quite spicy, I think I'll see if it truly had the expected effect when I wander to the toilet later on this afternoon. We ended up playing LotR Risk which I bought at the memorabilia fair a few weeks ago when I was felling all giddy. I ended up winning in the end, due to a mixture of none of us knowing the rules and Paul's staggering bad luck when rolling the dice. I've never seen anybody roll so many 1's before, the highlight of which was a triple snake-eye whammy. I think I like Risk anyway, it was fun.

What else have I been doing lately? I've been filling in CD gaps in my collection by scouring ebay for missing Suede, Manics and Bluetones singles. A big batch of them turned up yesterday, it's shit at the moment though because the post is so fucking awful. CDs ordered online from Hong Kong turn up in a couple of days, whilst letters from Preston take over a week to arrive. I think all the posties gather round in a circle and piss over the letters whilst laughing.

*People with the 'I-Spy Book Of Glenn' should note that this is Paul 1, which scores two points. You do however score a bonus point for chilli being served.


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