Monday, July 19, 2004

It seems that I only write a blog update when moaned at, usually by Johnny Woodhousian, but this time by Dave. I think Dave wants me to update it as he needs to keep track of what his friends are up to lately. What with him being a "bad friend" and that.
I think an update is required of the incomplete plot-strings of my life from the last blog.
Well, the wallpapering went rather well. I can't see much in the way wrong with it, I'm just glad I didn't do it myself.
For Sian's birthday we went to Crows in Lancaster. That's a Mexican restaurant. It was nice, they did seem to stick too many of us round a small table but it was fun. We then retired to Sian and Xian's abode, where Dave made sure computer games were played that he wanted to play. Such a Dave.
The day after we did go to Manchester as I said last time, where I got "a little boys haircut" as Julia called it. I think I resisted buying that much tat in Manc, yet I did get some shiny 7" single cases which we've been after for ages. That night we watched 'The Quiet Earth', which I saw years ago and thought it was quite good. It still is quite good, yet shows it's age badly.
Right, I think that’s the summary done. What else has happened?
Party at Liam's house on Saturday. The theme for the party was the sixties, so Paul, Karl and myself spent the day wandering around town looking for something to wear. Karl ended up getting some hippy gear whilst Paul and I decided to go as revolutionaries. For me the main reason for this was to complete a wish I've had since 1994 to dress like James Dean Bradfield did on TOTP for the Faster single. Anyway, we got the full stuff, I'll put pics on the blog when I get home from work to show you the full glory of the party, including Karl being sick in a bin. RESULT!
Liam was there as a sixties/seventies cop who didn't play by the rules. Heh. Xian turned up really really pissed and ended up in a kaftan. He looked like somebody who'd gone out for a drink and accidentally ended up as one a disciple/bum slave of David Koresh.
It was a cool party, I couldn't drink which was a shame, but it was fun. And as per usual it ended up in a giant homo-erotic play-fight. RESULT! And Karl was sick in a bin! RESULT! Heh, wait for the pictures…

There are new people in the office. The "iron-bird" people have a burst pipe in their office so are squatting over here. It's annoying. They have a different work-ethic and it's switched my paranoia on. THEY ARE WATCHING ME! One guy is sat in our pen and all the phone calls are for him. Grrr!


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