Friday, June 25, 2004

Blimey, I haven't updated this in a while. I don't want Woody Johnhouse shouting at me though, so maybe it's time to put down what I've actually been up to so I don't forget everything.
Well heading backwards, I went to Old Trafford yesterday with Chris and John from work, plus the charming Professor Yeandle. We were there to watch the 1st ODI between England and New Zealand but sadly it poured down all day. We stood around the ground, taking shelter and drinking the expensive lager. I found it most pleasant anyway, whiling the day away with peoples whose company I enjoy. They abandoned the game at about 6pm, so I managed to get home to watch the football. Only just though, as the train I was on decided to stop at virtually every village with a train station between Manchester and the twatmouth.
I didn't really care about England during the tournament. I find it hard to get attached to a team which is followed by the nobbers that England are. It doesn't make me particularly proud to be English, seeing how many people in this dump of a country get confused between supporting your country and hating any other. Both should not go hand-in-hand. I could write a whole essay about this, but I've not got the time for it. I've written something before about this, and told anyone who'd listen what my views on it are. So let's not go there again.
Last Tuesday we went to see The Walkmen in Manchester. I've been to lots of venues around Manchester, but never been to The Roadhouse before. Jesus, it was cramped and so so warm. The Walkmen were fantastic however. Liam whipped them into a fury by stealing a toilet cubicle before one of them had a chance to have a pre-gig poo. The anger was obvious. They threw themselves around the stage, screaming at Liam for what he'd done. They are a magic band.
The weekend before we celebrated my dads 60th birthday with him. We went out for a meal and a few nice drinks. It was cool. We even ended up in Fleetwood Workingmen's club, a place I haven't been in for many a year. Heh, Phoenix Nights brought to life.
I'm glad my dad had a nice birthday, he deserves it.
We also celebrated Paul 2s birthday in Windermere. Paul, Lisa and Yseult went on a boat, yet I get all scared at the thought of deep water. It was a nice day, yet on the way home the skies opened and dropped the most rain I've ever seen onto our heads. We were walking uphill and the road turned to a river within about 30 seconds. Still, it's an adventure.
Sadly all this birthday activity meant that we had to miss The Superkings playing at the 12 bar in Preston. That's a big shame, as even though I'd turn up if they were shite out of friend loyalty, luckily they're not. As I've started to get used to the songs, I find I'm enjoying the gigs greatly. Hopefully it won't be long before they play again. Still, it couldn't be helped I guess, I could hardly miss somebody's birthday.
Tonight, Dave is cooking us some tea and then we are going to have a quality evening playing computer games and talking rubbish. Which frankly sounds rather ace.
Tomorrow, Marie's Ma and Da are coming to visit us and we're going to the Trafford Centre. That should be rather nice.
Plus it's Glastonbury weekend! I love watching the coverage on TV, it makes me feel warm inside.
Only bad news is the fact that Ikea have stopped making the Dromme cabinets. We need another one! They were perfect but the sheer amount of CDs and DVDs we have means that two of them is not enough. Bah, if I think about it, it makes me sad.
Well, I've done loads more lately but I can't remember them at the moment. We had some quality risk games with Paul 1 and Karl (and Paul 2), that I can recall. Er, what else? Damn my rubbish memory!


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