Wednesday, March 03, 2004

This is some "tell us who you are" type thing I nicked from Dave’s blog, who nicked it from Marie's blog, who nicked if from Liam’s blog. Did Liam nick it from Neil?
Liam has put a new blog entry in which makes me look like a cycle-path.
Anyway, on with the “getting to know me” nonsense. Dave’s answers to the bottom five bands made me angry. I’ve seen him dance to at least one of them in the warehouse regularly.

Universally accepted, the Top Ten: Embrace, Nirvana, The Manic Street Preachers, Idlewild, The Beatles, Radiohead, Blur, The Bluetones, The Boo Radleys, Super Furry Animals.
Hmm, do I have to stop at ten?

Bottom Five Bands: The Darkness, Limp Dogshit, Sleeper, Thin Lizzy, Happy Mondays.Why aren’t I allowed to list Daniel Bedingfield? Geri Halliwell?

Favourite concert / your dream concert lineup: Favourite gig still has to be Embrace in Feb 2002. I left it feeling a fucking mental high. Dream line-up would be a mix of those top ten bands listed above. Pick two from nine and add Embrace at the top.

Movies, the Top Seven: Back To The Future, Mallrats, Field Of Dreams (girl!), LOTR: The Two Towers (nerd!), Magnolia, Shawshank Redemption (wuss!), Donnie Darko.

Jesus, that was tough

Top Five, TV: This Life, Bottom, The Day Today, Our Friends In The North, I’m Alan Partidge

Jesus, that was even tougher.

Top Four in Books: High Fidelity, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Twits, Everything.

Top 3 Magazines: Melody Maker, Sky, Empire.

Bring back Sky and Melody Maker!

Clothing store/brand: Spunky t-shirts. I don’t know really, I don’t really give a shit. I have a trainer obsession which I’m trying to keep in check.

Typical Style: Tramp. Jeans and t-shirt, which preferably has a band name on it or some sort of slogan. Though not a slogan which I think makes me look a twat. This has always been my style bar from a brief period in the late nineties where I tried out other trouser formats. Then returned to jeans. I need trousers with leg room.
Hair of various lengths, always preferred it lengthier, when it felt like a friend.

Hobbies: music, football, talking shit with friends, talking shit with friends over the internet, gigs. LAZING. Pottering. Not making pots, but just wasting time by doing nothing in particular.

Dislikes: Bad manners, meat. The fucking increasing tendency of people to be selfish, self-absorbed, cowardly and only fucking interested in their own happiness.

Abortion? Yay or nay? Why? It is the business of nobody but the people involved. Do what you like with your own body. As long as there is some sort of valid reason for it, not because the baby is ginger or something.

Drinking? Smoking? Drugs? Yes! to drink, though I worry about the anti-social aspect of it. You can smoke if you like, though if you make me smell of it I’ll dislike you. Drugs, hmm, they tend to make people act like a twat, so I steer clear nowadays.

Anything else? This isn’t good enough, I’m going to start work on a ‘Top of Everything’ list.


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