Friday, May 02, 2003

Went to see calexico last night. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that. They were really good, it sagged a bit in the middle but I guess thats due to the fact I didn't know any of their material so liked the ones with OOMPAH which stirred what little I have of a soul. I was a bit alamred that all the band wore shirts tucked into their jeans and the fact that a large percentage of the audience seemed to be geography teachers but they were really good. Last time I leave my car in that fucking car park though.
I've got the taste for booze.
Luckily today I shall be spending the afternoon drinking it then, to celebrate two guys leaving our office. Better not get too embarassingly drunk though as we are going to see The Music tonight.
I'm in a bit of a lull today and have been doing some top quality moping, so i'm hoping that the booze-music combo will stir me out of it.


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