Monday, April 28, 2003

Weekend round-up.
Well as previously mentioned, Friday was John Hudsons 28th birthday. It was quite
fun, John was really pissed and spent all night telling everyone how much he loved
me. Which was nice. He also kissed me. Which wasn't nice. I'll forgive him his
attempts to make everybody best friends as he was pissed and i'm sure his
intentions were good.
Speaking of which, I guess it was quite nice to tell people that we don't hate them
especially when it seems so important to them. Just because I don't get on with
people, things about them grate or we have a complete personality mismatch does not
mean I want to see them dead in a ditch somewhere. People aren't like marmite! I
get tagged with it more than most, that i'm either really nice to people or I hate
them with gusto. It's not true, I can think of lots of people who I don't get along
with and who don't like me. I don't lie awake at night wanting to make them be my
friend or wishing they were dead. I reserve that fate for a select couple of people.

I can't help but be straight with people. I don't seem to be able to disguise my
feelings or put a face on for the benefit of the situation. It's more trouble than
it's worth a lot of the time, some situations call for a bit of diplomacy. I mean,
nobody reacts well to an angry sour-faced man telling them their faults. It's just
that people can be so two-faced and it's horrible to see. This current situation is
the apotheosis of this, there's so much bitching about people behind their backs,
with individuals going around oblivious to the true feelings and intentions of
others. I don't know, it just makes me feel a level of compassion that I didn't
previously have, I don't want to add to somebodies woes when they have more
important things to worry about. If I could actually give one bit of advice to one
person in particular it'd be "Choose your friends carefully".
Anyway i'm glad Marie handled it, she generally chooses the right way to act based
on what is required, rather than feeling the need to tell everyone what she thinks
of them. Allan-style! I just hope the negative potential of the situation doesn't
arise otherwise I may beat my head with a stick.
Oh, Friday may also have given rise to a "wuh?" scenario. Can't say anything now
but just remember those three letters w, u and h. Oh and the question mark.
On Saturday we went shopping in Manchester and saw lots of cool stuff. I wasn't
really in the shopping mood though. I was tired, irritable and a bit grumpy. It's a
good place to shop and when I have a bit more money i'd like to go back and buy
half of the place. And burn half of it down.
Saturday evening we went to Crows in Lancaster. It was nice and the food was good
but I was really tired and wanted a nice sit down. Fell asleep watching a film.
Getting so old...
Jesus, on Sunday we broke the sainsburys till record. A lot of it was due to booze
(the lady on the till asked if we were alcoholics) but still 164 quid is a lot to
spend on groceries.
After unpacking the caviar, gold-plated sweetcorn and dodo eggs, we went to visit
me ma and da. When you're young you think you know everything, that because you're
well educated and know how to use the latest technology, it makes you wiser and
more intelligent than older generations. It's only in the last few years i've
realised that's a load of bollocks. Experience counts for a lot in life, it allows
you to relate to other people and gives you far more to fall back on when
difficulties arise.
Maybe there is good to come out of all that happened after all...


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