Tuesday, April 22, 2003

So, easter weekend then....

Good Friday was probably the quietest of the lot. I virtually finished the wardrobe I've been building. I'm quite surprised as i've never done anything like this
before and I had visions of it being a disaster. Once it's painted it should look quite nice, then comes the final test of whether it's strong enough to support any
clothes. Thankfully I don't have any metal trousers. Anymore.
Got up at stupid o'clock on Saturday for a six hour coach journey to London. Jesus, Preston Tramp Centre is a sight at 7 in the morning. Anyway it was a long, cramped and boring journey as expected, enlivened by absolutely nothing.
Anyway I like London, always have. As last time I got a few funny looks as to what a ginger gibbon such as myself was doing in such a nice hotel. I didn't know myself,
I think I don't suit poncey splendour, it's a cardboard box under London Bridge next time we go. Went for tea in the restaurant attached to the hotel, mainly because they gave us 20% off. Still, it cost 73 quid. 73 quid! Seventy three pounds! Seventy. Three. Pounds. Pounds! POUNDS! Even though it was nice food, I still left with a slightly sick taste in my mouth.
I found a guys wallet outside the tube station, it had a tenner and the guys cash cards in it. We tried to contact him on a number it had in the wallet but he hasn't responded yet. It had his driving license in it which had his address on, i hope it's his current one as thats where i'll send it if he doesn't get back to us.
The reason we were in London for such a lightning visit was MALKFEST! So we went to the royal festival hall to watch Stevie Malkmus and The Jicks, The Super Furry Animals, a dreary folk singer bird and three roadies playing dog-shit blues-rock.
The super furry animals were great, playing just slow songs as they were a bit freaked that everybody was sat down. Stephen Malkmus was good as well but by the time he was on, I realised i'd had half a bottle of wine, three pints and a singapore sling cocktail. Combined with the coach journey, remnants of travel sickness pills and the fact I was sat down in the dark, meant I battling the onset of sleep.
On Sunday we had a few hours to kill before the horrendous coach journey back so headed to Camden to check out the markets. After the meal debacle of the previous evening, I decided to not spend any money. So three hours later of course I had some shiny doctor m's and a new coat. Own goal! Bah, it's only money.
Return journey was horrible, we had a series of nazi coach drivers. Marie had an argument with one, I wish I had her guts to stand up to people being dicks.
Monday we travelled to watch Liverpool play Charlton. I hadn't been this season but managed to persuade Marie into coming along with me. I think she enjoyed it, it helped that we scored twice in the last 4 minutes to win 2-1. Which was nice.
It was quite a packed weekend but i'm tired now and need some days off. I think
i'll sleep at my desk at work.


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