Tuesday, April 29, 2003

When I used to play "army" as a wee nipper, one of the noises used to represent gunshot was "huh-huh huh-huh" said in a rapid and slightly shrill way.
There's a guy in our office at the moment who laughs like that. It's starting to piss me off. His hair is wiry and curly in a pubic sort of way as well. Go away stupid laugh man.

There were several reasons why I thought having a weblog would be a bad idea. These are:

1. I didn't think anyone would care about what I had to write. Who cares about what i've been up to and what I think about things? My life and it's actions influence a handful of people, all of whom would get no extra insight into reading what they already know. I don't think what I have to say is of any importance to anybody else.

2. My inability to keep things to myself. I knew full well i'd put things on the weblog which could embarass myself, or should remain as things best left unsaid to protect the feelings of others. I've done it already, I've put up references to Friday night and i'm unsure about whether i should have put that sort of thing on the internet. Plus i'm a natural troubleseeker.

3. I wouldn't keep updating it. I have so far and the reason I started it in the first place was to give me something to do for twenty minutes a day at work. It won't last though.

4. My appalling grammar. I have terrible problems with punctuation, i overuse commas, i sometimes stretch sentences on forever, i put everything in quotes till i start getting pissed off with myself and have erratic use of apostrophes. Oh, and the semi-colon frightens me.

I still think the above four points are valid but I guess as long as I find myself idle for a noticeable length of time at work, i'll persevere with it. Another thing that pisses me off is that the internet connection is so shit at work that I have to keep sending stuff home to post. Which more often than not knackers up the formatting.

I'm listening to Parklife by Blur at the moment and I can't listen to this album without thinking back to 1995 in Club Vernon, with Alex listening to it on his walkman and singing along much to the annoyance of everyone else in the 70's style dump. I guess that's what a lot of musics appeal is, to remind you of times and moments in your life. For example, the song Now You're Nobody by Embrace reminds me of driving around Blackpool listening to the whole album in a state of awe. It just seems odd that one of my favourite albums of the nineties reminds me of something as common as Alex being a bit odd.
Some other music - memory links are:

OK Computer by Radiohead - Reminds me of June 97, driving from a work graduate development programme in Lancaster to pick up some rope from Fleetwood trawler supplies.

The Holy Bible by The Manic Street Preachers - Reminds me of driving to uni every day. I think it was the thing I listened to most, either than or In Utero.

Sorted For E's And Whizz by Pulp - Reminds me of shell petrol station in Fleetwood due to the time when I filled the car up there and saw the papers filled with that ridiculous storm over the packaging of the single.

Did You Miss Me by The Cooper Temple Clause - Reminds me of a road crossing down Fishergate in Preston, near a shoe shop. Whenever I cross that bit of the road I find myself singing the start of that song. Which is a bit odd to be honest.

There are plenty of others, most of the other ones I can actually remember are too personal to put on the internet. Hey, see, i may be able to censor myself after all. There's hope for this weblog yet.


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