Friday, December 12, 2003

This weblog entry is dedicated to John Woodhouse

Well, nice one Glenn you big ginger spacker. I’d done okay by the weblog, every entry seemed to start with me cursing the fact I hadn’t updated it in a while but I hadn’t left about five weeks worth out before.
I’ve been really busy this last month, Rocktober gave way to Indievember, and in the last few weeks we’ve seen
- Blur
- Radiohead
- Tom McRae (twice)
- Grandaddy
- Snow Patrol
- The Crimea
- The Cooper Temple Clause
- Suede
Tonight we’re going to see Belle & Sebastian supported by the equally ace Franz Ferdinand. I think I may be in indie heaven.
All those gigs were great. Suede standout as it was their final tour, they played a lot of old stuff off Dog Man Star and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I’ve never seen Blur and that was pretty special, in fact it was ace. Tom McRae was lovely as were the rest.
I guess the standout one has to be Radiohead. Boys, you’ve won me back! In the mid-nineties they were one of my favourite bands but I guess over the years it has waned a bit. They were fucking amazing on that night though, as soon as they played the first notes of opening song ‘There There’ I was hooked. I forgot where I was. It made me investigate albums that I've kinda neglected and I’ve really grown to love ‘Hail To The Thief’.
Bah, I’d write about them in greater detail but it’s a Friday afternoon at work and I need to do this before 6pm. 37 mins left…
We’ve watched a lot of films lately, The Virgin Suicides and Igby Goes Down on Friday, Holes and Catch Me If You Can on Sunday. All those films were okay, The Virgin Suicides is beautiful, Igby Goes Down surprised me, as did Catch Me If You Can. Holes was quite good too, there were some cheesy moments yet it was aimed at kids so I can easily let them go. It was also rather slow moving for a kids film, this was nice to see. They allowed a longer running time to give the story some breathing space and to let characters develop.
I have a childs level of excitement at the thought of Return of The King. Jizz
I’ve already spent quite a bit on Christmas. We have a new tree after last years rather unfortunate experiment with a live thing. We also have a giant snowman, which was bought due to my head being in an odd place on a Sunday morning in town.
What else has happened?
Comet took the washing machine back and swapped it for another one. Yay! That’s one positive workman based issue.
One negative one is that we had a new lock fitted. A new lock which seems to have been fitted by the shittest locksmith ever. Twat! Marie had an argument with the guy over the phone, he seemed like a Grade-A nobend. That is yet to be resolved.
Okay okay okay…
I have some big news, no, it’s not to do with an indie band.
We got engaged.
Sorry, I should have told you to sit down first. Yeah sorry about that.
Probably best if I relay the story.
Alex came down to visit (full story later) and brought some bottles of vodka with him. Well we demolished them before we even got out of the door and we were pretty pissed in the warehouse. I was really drunk, one of the bouncers escorted me out later on "to have a breather". There are some fantastically appalling pics of me on the warehouse website looking like the drunkest, sweatiest fat man in the world.
I hadn’t thought about asking Marie to marry me. Well if I’m honest, I love her to bits, she’s beautiful, funny, kind, intelligent etc… and I hoped and thought we’d spend our lives together. Yet we’ve only been seeing each other for about 20 months so it hadn’t occurred to me to ask such things.
Then during some song or other I almost asked her. I stopped myself, went and told Liam (like some sort of drunken guru wearing a monkey t-shirt), and then went and told Marie I’d almost asked her something really daft.
She knew what I was going to say and encouraged me to ask (she said she would say yes) so I did.
And that’s it really…
I didn’t regret it, I didn’t see it as some sort of drunken foolishness, booze certainly encouraged me to do it but when I woke up the next morning I just felt like it was the right thing to do. I guess sometimes you just know whether something is right or wrong.
And a week or so later we told friends and family. And they’ve all been lovely about it. I guess we’re really lucky.


No date or whatever has been set, there isn’t a rush, we’ll just do things when they feel right. We have the quandary now, I hate being the centre of attention and the thought of the cost of the whole shebang frightens me YET I’d love it if all my family and friend were there. And for them all to have a great time. I guess that’s whats important.
It’s all getting a bit mushy and soppy isn’t it? You want to know something funny then? Yeah? Okay…
Well the song playing when I asked, was…….? Guess?
Gay Bar.
Yeah, Gay Bar – I’m such a classy man. Hee hee.
I did it properly when I’d bought the ring, ya know the whole, er, thing. Sorry, gone mushy again…
Yeah, Alex came to visit. I haven’t seen him since May 2000 when he last came to visit so for a couple of days we entertained him and his dog Brodie. It was really cool, everyone who knew each other got on really well, and those who had never met Alex before all seemed to enjoy each others company. That is the power of nexus my friend. The power of nexus…
We went for a curry on the Thursday and then got really drunk the day after (see above). Hee hee.
18 mins left…
Yeah, I’ve been quite busy at work recently, lots of code changes to do before Grimrod flies next year. It makes a change, usually I’m sat on my arse writing blog entries.
I’ll write more on Monday, inform you about our weekend and any other general news I can remember. I’m sure theres loads of other things that have happened recently.
Schreib bald weider


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