Monday, September 08, 2003

I love it when the wind blows in the direction of our office. You get to smell the marsh nearby. Well of course I don't "love it", it makes the building smell like a marsh.
It really is quite pungent today. Smells like a tramp's lucky hat.
I haven't done much lately, it's been quite quiet. We went down to the midlands the previous weekend, and the one just gone has been marked mainly by the lack of activity. I think we're just recharging our batteries as the future seems quite hectic what with parental visits, fish tanks, millions of gigs, my birthday etc...
We did go out on Friday. I was out most of the afternoon saying goodbye to Andy from work, who is off to Germany. It's a shame he's going, he was one of the guys at work who I could talk to quite easily, mainly because we shared similar music tastes.
It was like most work drinkies, civilised at first and then ending up rather raucous. By 8pm we were in Roper Hall, singalongs of Beatles medleys and football chants had started, by 10pm a choir of voiceless angels were screeching along to The Smiths.
Marie turned up about 9pm which was very brave of her. She witnessed Chris pouring a pint over me and Nige desperately trying to win his £1 wager. I thought he was being quite sweet at first telling us that we were the loveliest couple ever. It became apparent quite soon though that he was after winning his bet. It’s only for a pound! A POUND, MAN!
That reminds me, I need to clip a young work colleague of mine round the ear for being overly friendly with Marie and making lewd remarks as we left.
Hee hee, they’re an alright bunch actually, they mean no harm, they just can’t handle drink. Bar Chris, it doesn’t turn any of them into anti-social misanthropes, it just makes them silly and loud. Chris however is gonna get a slap when he comes back into work after his broken arm has healed.
That’s it really, I seemed to spend some more money on nothing in particular. My big cdwow order started to turn up, though I was disappointed with the smell of the new CDs and DVDs.
We watched Punch-drunk Love last night, I thought it was really sweet. A bit odd, funny but the central romance of it all was handled really well. Mr. Anderson is rapidly becoming my favourite director, it was a good move of his to follow up Magnolia with a shorter more straight-laced but still “different” film.

My sleep patterns are becoming increasingly erratic. I keep waking up at anytime from about 3am to 5am, finding myself wide-awake and unable to get back to sleep. I keep ending up using the computer for half an hour until I can fall back to sleep a bit easier. I can’t seem to get out of this state now, I’m thinking about it and making it practically inevitable every night. The last thing I want to do is keep Marie awake, so I end up wandering around. Marie drugged me with nytol, which worked at first, but then I started willing it to work and kept myself awake.
It’s happened many times before, I go through stages where my sleeping hours are all over the place. I try not to worry about it, the main thing that bothers me is that it’s quite boring at 3am.

I’ve got some work to do! YES! It’s actually keeping me slightly interested, not taxing me greatly but it seems to occupy some of the day. It’s quite important as well, if I do this job well, it’ll save about three million pounds. Could be worth some money for me in the long run –unless I fuck it up. Money equals new toys for Glenn and new toys equals Glenn being happy. So that’d be nice. I can tell the upper-management are uneasy with me being in charge of this job, they think I’m a work-shy, slightly cocky, unpredictable nobend. The managers that actually know me seem to trust me though so that’s okay.


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