Monday, June 02, 2003

Right, what happened this weekend then? Er, I can't remember. Hang on, let me think.
Something’s gone wrong with my head, it's not retaining every last piece of information like it used to. You see I know the registration of my brother’s first car, JEC 739X, but can't recall what I did on Friday night. Hmmm…
His second car actually had the registration B495 TKP.
Ah, here come the memories…
Friday night we had tea and watched TV. Nothing exciting but still rewarding.
Saturday morning we tidied up. Eventually made the kitchen sparkly clean and the living room kinda respectable. You wouldn’t think that today looking at either room, they’re both a mess again. Sigh. The washing machine is broken as well. It gave us hints that something was up with it by the squeaking noises it’s been emitting for the last couple of weeks. It finally decided on Saturday that it couldn’t be arsed doing anything anymore. I may kick it in.
Saturday afternoon was spent sitting in the garden. Next door invited us to their barbecue, which was very nice of them. I was pig-ignorant as usual, just muttering a few words and finding it really awkward. It’s cause I’m a Libran ya see. Apparently all librans are as difficult as me. Luckily Marie covered for me by being the pleasant member of the house.
We then watched 28 Days Later again whilst having tea.
Then we went out. Firstly we spent a few hours in the Sun with Karl and the soon-be-weds Nick and Jo. That was quite fun, just drinking and talking rubbish. There’s a lot to be said for talking rubbish. Julia pointed out that she was surprised that nobody had ever stabbed Nick. Most people who know him have wondered that for years. Hee hee, everybody seemed to get on well though, it was all good-natured.
Then we went to the warehouse and jumped about a bit on the dance floor whilst drinking pretty disgusting alcopops. I have this thing in my head that is activated by alcohol, which makes me drawn to bright vivid colours. It’s this which causes me to lose lots of money on fruit machines whilst pissed, and also what causes me to buy lurid coloured alcopops in clubs.
Now, I’ve promised myself not to rant on here anymore and what I’m about to type is only a snippet of how strongly I was repulsed by this on Saturday night.
I’ve always known really, it’s hard not to, but on Saturday night it all became 100% clear in my head about how horrible men are. Jesus, my gender is such a hormonally retarded, oily bunch of social misfits. When they come to clean up the warehouse after everybody has left, I’m sure the air will be heavy with the smells of smoke, lynx africa and pre-cum.
Even when I seemed to be eternally single, I’d never dream of resorting to the degrading, ill mannered and disrespectful way that men seem to treat women in nightclubs. It must be horrible, I mean, how many times in nightclub history has a simian-headed fuckwit succeeded in pulling a pretty girl by grinding himself next to them in what he believes is a sexy way. Anyway I was pretty appalled by it, hee hee, is this the sort of person women actually go for?
Maybe they’d all drunk whisky, it sends me mental, maybe it does every other man as well. Yet I doubt it…
Hmm, I have a new found respect for lesbians, I’ll shake their hands in a friendly but non-sexual manner next time I meet a bunch.
Sunday we sat about watching TV and eating toast and then had a brief trip into town. I was really tired all day and only perked up when I watched 24 just before going to bed. They blew the bloody bomb up! Where the hell does the series go from here? Gonna have to wait and see I’m afraid as the DVD Nige made for us of future episodes has all the voices out of sync.


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