Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Franz Ferdinand. Louis XIV. The Douglas Baader-Meinhof Group.
It seems that groups nowadays are looking towards figures from history as inspiration for band names. Therefore, I would like to add a few to the melting pot -

- John The Baptist
- Anne Hathaway
- Oppenheimer (has that been taken?)
- The Martin Bormann Project
- Ted Rogers

Hmm, Rob on our team has just given me a bag of chillies. They're funny looking things, a type called 'Yellow Bird'. He's something of an expert in the chilli field, and grows lots of his own, varying from the tame and tasty to the virtually fatal. I'll have to think of something to use these in. I can't make chilli again, as I made a vat of that on Friday and we only finished it off yesterday. Still, it was my favourite batch for a long time. Mmm.
Rob is on loan to us from Datel, to cover for absences and the fact that the management vastly underestimated the amount of work we had to do this year (our team stood at 5 people in January, from a peak of 14). They've also given us a guy called Paul on a six-month contract. Paul is a good lad, he doesn't treat the job seriously, he talks utter nonsense and likes good music. We've just been chatting about Shearwater as he heard that I went to see Okkervil River last night. I'm trying to turn him (and the other decent music loving folks in the office) on to The National. I have a queue forming to borrow their albums.
Yeah, I had a nice time last night. I ache this morning and am finding comfort in 'Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada' but last night was cool.
It was nice to see The Superkings again. I thought we were going to be late, but I was working on PrestonTime. I forgot that you can have fun after 11pm in Manchester. We also saw a band called Film School, who I'll see again supporting the National at the Night & Day in November.
Okkervil River are fantastic. It was cool that they remembered their last visit to Manchester (and the stage carpet that could cause death). It's such an exciting noise that they produce and it was great to see them again. Karl may have moaned that they were boring, but what does Karl know? Eh? Karl skips Exit Music whilst listening to OK Computer. Karl is not entitled to opinions on music. He has a sickness.
If this week weren't busy enough, I'd be tempted to travel to Nottingham to see Okkervil again. They is mighty fine.
Oh yeah, if anyone needs a ticket to go and see them in Nottingham then let me know.

We're currently playing Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube. Not long after the game starts you can find yourself holed up in a decrepit shack, as hordes of what seem like Spanish undead villagers try to get in and cut your noggin off.
Anyway, it plays a short cut scene, as one of the villagers tries to get the others to join in the attack. Now, the villagers speak some sort of nonsense mumbo-jumbo language (I think), but when the villager tries to beckon the others over, he says in a thick undead/Spanish accent "I am Paul Nattrassy". I did a double take, and listened again (after losing our bonce). He does quite clearly say "I am Paul Nattrassy". It's most odd. I'm worried what course this game may take now.
I'll see if I can capture what is said and put it up here.


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