Friday, September 09, 2005

Si a todo

I know it's Friday but did you have a nice weekend? I saw you in town actually and thought you were looking good. Have you had your hair done? It suits you. I like those trainers as well. Very flash. What's that? How much? Blimey, a bargain! Let me know next time you go there.
I had quite a nice weekend, thanks for asking.
I attended a wedding party for my cousin (she got married abroad) in Fleetwood on Saturday night. A lot of unrecoverable, quite bad things have happened on that side of the family in the past and it's a shame to see how things have turned out, when you can remember a time before it all started.
On Sunday I went with my dad to play pitch-and-putt. Jesus, I played the 18 holes of Fleetwood's pitch-and-putt so many times as a kid (often twice a day in summer) and it brought so many memories back of the times I'd spent on there. I had a really nice time, and enjoyed chatting with my dad about the times we'd spent on the Seaside links course. My dad almost got a hole in one and I managed to chip onto the green on the dangerous twin-bunkered hole 11, something I rarely managed as a nipper. Heh, I just felt completely content playing a gentle game on a sunny day in my hometown.

I still haven't bought a game for the PSP. I thought it would be great to play a game during my "lunch break" on night-shift, but I couldn't decide what to buy. Still, it's rather exciting what this thing can do. Films, music, the new GTA game. Whee! I also believe I can hook it up the wireless network at home. I'll look into that when the laptop is fixed.

Speaking of which…
We've spent some time on the phone to Dell technical help over the week and it's been a pleasant surprise. There have been a lot of complaints about call-centres being moved abroad, but the lovely Indian ladies of the Dell technical help line were knowledgeable, pleasant, patient and not patronising in any way. They quickly realised they weren't talking to people who had never used a computer before so they tailored their approach accordingly.
I guess it is sad that jobs may have been lost over here, but I've spent so many frustrating minutes and hours of my life talking to sulky and unreasonable "local help-desks that I just thought 'fuck-em'. The Indian ladies gave me a warm glow inside. And it wasn't a sinister glow. It was a Ready Brek glow.

This has been so hard to write. It's 5:40am and my brain has locked up. Gnn…
Still, work piss up this afternoon/evening. I'm looking forward to an afternoon of watching the cricket in various pubs around Preston.
Si a todo!


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