Wednesday, November 09, 2005

D4 Damager

I can see Terry looking over. Yeah, okay, my lunch has stretched on for quite some time but I've had a lot to do. I can't take this paper home to read this evening because I have things to do this evening, so it has to be read now. Not only do I have to read all four sections of The Guardian but I need to do the quick crossword, the Sudoku and the Kakuro. They were easy today, which is lucky as I spent longer than usual reading the paper.
Terry has been making frequent glances over since about quarter past 1. Actually, maybe he's more concerned about how old I'm getting. I was sat there listening to Radio 4, drinking tea and doing a crossword. I am obviously so rock n' roll that I've gone off the scale and appeared on the negative y-axis as a boring old twat. Still, I will formulate my response to Terry's disapproving glances by using answers from the crossword - Terry, I GNASH my teeth through pure VITRIOL at the FROWN upon your COUNTENANCE.
I was actually listening to the frankly rather dull 'Whispers' on Radio 4. I saw that Richie Herring was on it and thought I'd tune in, even though arse-faced Gyles Brandreth was presenting. It's one of those programs that contains gentle asides so innocuous that if the Beaufort wind scale also measured funniness then 'Whispers' would be the equivalent of a Owl's trump.

Excerpt From The Beaufort Scale Of Wind Speed / Funniness






War Atrocities


Owl's Trump



Light Air

Doonesbury (and 90% of other newspaper comic strips)


Near Gale

Peep Show (3rd series on Friday)



The Mr Chips Incident On Catchphrase



The Book Screen Burn by Charlie Brooker

Actually, going back to The Grauniad, last week I read an article in which the few men left alive today who fought in World War 1 talked about their experiences. I've read and heard the tales of Harry Patch many times before, but it never ceases to touch me in how eloquent and thoughtful he comes across. In just a short passage of text he shows more humanity, gentleness and moral courage than the great contrary, feckless mess that is the yoof of today. Harry Patch has been rewarded with a long life, denied to so many of his generation and what he says is till relevant and important today, even as it slips into non-living memory.
I hope that lots of people saw The Last Tommy on tele last night. I am ever-so-slightly annoyed that I missed it. Uknova will be investigated later.

We have now caught up on Lost. Ooh, it doesn't half pick up in the second half of series 1 and into series 2. Can it keep it going though without falling over the boundaries into utter absurdity (christened henceforth as 'The Grand 3rd series of 24 canyon')?

There haven't been many blogs lately. Part of the reason is that I've been quite busy, but by far the largest reasonslice is that I can't be arsed. Sometimes I enjoy writing fluffy nonsense about nothing in particular, whilst on other occasions it fills with me the sort of trepidation usually reserved for a forthcoming prostrate examination.
So, filling in some gaps, I was on nights last week. It was quite a difficult set of nights, mainly down to self-inflicted reasons. Jesus, night shift + decorating + 3 hours sleep every day equals madness. I was in agony at work on Thusday night because my aged back had reacted badly to the effort required to lay B&Q's shitty fucking flooring.

Glenn's Current Top 3 Of Hated Inanimate Objects

1. B&Q's shitty fucking "easiloc" flooring. Easiloc? EASILOC? I'm guessing you're claiming that fitting this stuff is easy. So why don't the pieces fit together properly? Why does it require about fifteen fucking hands to lay each row of flooring. I ONLY HAVE TWO HANDS! IS IT DESIGNED FOR GANESH?
2. The cable for my mp3 player headphones. It gets caught on everything; gearsticks, coats, shirt collars, door handles…
3. The hot taps in the house. Why do you keep breaking? WHY?

Entertainment has come from The Warriors computer game. I'm on the last level at the moment and have been itching to get home to finish it off. I don't know if it is because Christmas is approaching but the list of games waiting to be played continues to grow. I have a shiny new laptop to use now for some of these, though last week on nights Chris & I used this cutting edge piece of technology to play Skool Daze. During our lunch break of course BAe spies. Actually, you can't really call it a lunch break as it happened at 1am.


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