Monday, October 25, 2004

Not long now till Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas. Glenn is excited.

On Thursday we went to Morecambe to see Richard Herring. It was interesting to see how he'd turned a rambling 3+ hours of material into the slick 1 and half hour show that he ended up with. He trimmed a lot out, which is a shame as it was all quite funny, and provided a lot of back-story to the whole thing. It's important for people to get the full enjoyment out of the show I think that they fully understand the mid-life crisis Richard was going through, and the madness he became entangled in by playing CNPS.
At first I thought the audience (there was about 80-100 of us) weren't getting it. When something amuses me, I tend to smile rather than laugh, and at first I thought everybody else was like that. You need laughers in a comedy audience, not smilers. But after a while, people loosened up a bit and it seemed that everyone had lovely fun.
The show was still really good, and it was nice to hear about all twelve tasks he performed (he only had time for about 5 in London). I think it would make a good book or TV program. I like Richard Herring; I greatly enjoy the way he says bad things, bad things that are a bit wrong and shouldn't really be said out loud.

We had a nice drink and a chat with Pete and Corinna afterwards. I could witter on about CNPS. Liam also nipped back in and got a programme signed for Woody Johnhouse for his birthday. Heh, the evening turned Pete into a CNPS player and led to Karl joining in when Pete played the game on the way down to Bedworth on Saturday.
The army of autism grows ever larger. Even though Richard Herring says throughout the show that you shouldn't play CNPS, as it's for idiots, you can tell he is proud of finishing it. 66 is driving me mad, I've had one near-miss, but nothing since.

Speaking of near-misses, I went to Tesco at lunch, to look for the directors cut of Dawn Of The Dead. On the way back, I was coming round a roundabout near Tesco, in the correct lane and not going fast at all. Just as I was about to pass cars waiting on the sliproad off the M55, a tosser in a Saxo VTR shot on the roundabout from the inside lane of the slip road without looking. He obviously did it blind as the cars waiting in the right-side lane made him unable to see. I slammed my brakes on and hit the kerb quite hard. Its lucky I have quite good reactions or I'd have ploughed into him, jesus I'm just thankful I wasn't 3 or 4 seconds ahead or he'd have hit me side on at about 40mph and probably rolled me. My car seems okay but id better check that there is no buckling to the front wheels or axle. I was shaken up, if I hadn't had made sure nobody else was involved (and spent a couple of seconds saying the word 'shit'), id have chased after him and beaten him to death.
I've alluded in a blog or two recently that I shouldn't get involved in disputes with people on the road that I think are driving antisocially. But, the standard of driving I witness is steadily getting worse, and it's such a dangerous pursuit. A terrible accident can happen at any second, all it takes is one small human or mechanical error and lives can be changed forever. People should realise that, and take a bit of care.
I really wish I'd have gone after the guy, I'd have dragged him from the car. Okay, he'd have probably have beaten me up, but I like to think I'd have taken an eye or something with me.
I think the CNPS gods owe me a 66 on the way home.

Anyway, we all travelled down to Woody Johnhouse's on Saturday for his birthday party. Karl drove down, allowing Pete and I to try and score some number plates. We eventually got there (after getting slightly lost), where we exchanged presents (I got belated birthday presents of a computer game and sinister lady wrestling comic off John, and some supposedly mental chilli seeds off Paul 1), and then went about converting ourselves into zombies. A lot of people had no real plan of how to do this, but considering we made it up as went along, there were some quality zombies. Liam was my favourite, and the fact he later wandered out to a pub looking like this AND was allowed in is a bit of a miracle. There are some more pictures here, here, here, here. Here I am, trying to be a frightening attacking zombie, but instead looking like I don't know how to eat tomato ketchup.
It was a really fun night, I got really pissed (I was carrying a bottle of vodka round for most of the night), and everybody seemed to have fun. I remember drunkenly gibbering at John's other guests (apparently about how you can get AIDS from eating crisps).
Then it all went a bit fuzzy and I ended up passing out in John's spare bedroom.
After sitting around watching Dawn Of The Dead, we drove home, where Paul almost became another CNPS victim.

Hmm, I am still addicted to Championship Manager. My new re-built Notts County are proudly sat at the bottom of the old Division 2 (which in turn is the old Division 3, if you know what I mean). How am I going to solve the crisis? Will I be able to persuade Stallard to stay? Are my training techniques making my team a bit shit?

Addendum: On the way home the CNPS gods gave me a 66, 67 and 68. They are a cruel master.


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