Wednesday, October 20, 2004

DJ D’Artagnan And The Three Mixmasterteers

CNPS is going quite nicely. Thank your for asking. Have you had your hair done? No? It looks very nice. I like what you've done with it. Would you like a refresher? I can't eat them you see, they have gelatin in them.
Fleetwood smelt of refreshers yesterday. I'm used to it smelling of fish and seagull shit, but I lived there for 25 years and never recall it smelling of sweets before. If it was a council ploy to make the town look appealing then it certainly worked with me. The smell of sugary goodness was very welcome.
I was in Fleetwood for yet another visit to the dentist. I've said out loud on over a dozen occasions this year that each visit to my evil dentist would be the last. But, I still have tooth pain from a few months ago, and as I don't want to shell out over £100 to have it fixed, I keep going back and complaining. They smoothed my filling down (again), without anaesthetic (again), and without much in the way of patient care (again). Apparently my auntie's husband Dennis went there a few years ago and swore when it hurt (quelle surprise), and got hit on the head for it. So, my dentist doesn't like cussing, but loves inflicting pain on people. The witch.
I also noticed that Fleetwood is going through the process of destroying landmarks which were significant to my childhood. My first high school was knocked down in 1989 and replaced with homes. My second high school was knocked down in 2002 and replaced with a brand new "superschool". My third (and last high-school building) was recently knocked down. The indecent haste with which they're putting houses up on the site doesn't fill me with much confidence in the quality of the new buildings. They'll have to knock all the houses down anyway when they find the mass grave of ex-pupils in the foundations.
They're also halfway through the demolition of 'The Broadway' pub. I spent my 18th birthday in that pub. I spent my last day at my recently demolished high-school sat in that pub.
So much for the blue plaques that I was expecting.

I've just been listening to Ashes; still no sign of the video. Every time that I hear the song, the fear in me rises. I really don't want to look an idiot in a music video which will be seen by millions. Frighted!

I had to use the disabled toilet at work before, as the cleaner man was changing the hand towels again in the normal WC. Whoever had used the disabled toilet before me had made a frightening mess. My analysis of the crime scene showed a man (or lady) who had not had a restful toilet visit, but had found the whole event quite stressful. This was confirmed when I discovered a tube of Germoloids on the hand towel machine.
So, now I know that there is somebody wandering around the office with Mount Doom in their undercrackers. I hope the poor sods tangleberries don't explode in the middle of the office (like a rectal version of the chestburster scene in Alien)….actually that'd be kinda cool.

I've been getting into scrapes on the roads again. Not in actually having crashes (Dave stylee), but in becoming a righteous vigilante/prick on the roads. Sometimes it's a fine line between putting somebody in their place and being a bit of a tosser. Who can tell which side of the line I come down on?
A guy in a Volvo 'beeped' me this morning because I hadn't pulled away from some traffic lights fast enough. I was actually waiting as some lady was stranded in the middle of a busy junction, and I was giving her a few seconds to decide if she wanted to get out of the way. Mr. Volvo probably didn't see this, but I annoyed him and he drove really close when we started up. So I slowed down. Really slow. I was doing about 25 in a 40 zone. This annoyed him a lot, and when I turned left at a crawl, he gave me a one-fingered salute.
I also decided to annoy five townie lads in a Vauxhall Corsa, because the driver had committed the crime of having a sporty-exhaust which was really loud and annoying. Not the biggest crime in the world, but one for which the punishment was to have to put up with me being an irritant. Why do I do this? It's not important, and if I pushed it too far I'd have five people wanting to beat me up. And it'd only need one of them.
I've been driving for 12 years now and I've just become completely intolerant to bad and selfish driving. I am completely aware that I can also be like that sometimes, yet I will protest that I'm not a tenth as bad as some of the idiots I see on the road.
As a teenager and young man I hated a lot of people. Now I find that hate is too strong a word for it, I actually properly hate only a very, very small number of people (which will surprise a lot of people who don't actually know me). Driving however is one place where I can quickly turn into how I was when I was younger. Hopefully I'll grow out of it one day.

Do you know those DJ decks that I mentioned?
Well I bought them.
Liam is going halves with me, but now we have to come up with something cool to do with a couple of scary looking DJ decks/mixer and two speakers which look like they may kill somebody. There is no way I'm plugging them bastards in whilst at home. They look like they'll blow the windows out.
I'd like to do something tied to Indietron. Finish that website Glenn. Please.

Maybe I can "persuade" myself to do it by use of some sexual-bribery later on. The dirty little minx, I'll show me whose boss round here.
Sorry. Scrub that from your mind.

Er, what happened at the weekend, I hear you ask.
Well, we went to the middle-lands on Friday night. We spent that evening in a couple of pubs in Cannock, celebrating Steve's 30th birthday. You can hardly tell he's a week younger than me; we both look around the same age. I had a really nice night drinking booze and talking rubbish with nice people. It's great exchanging stories and rubbish jokes with nice, ego-less people. Most enjoyable.
On Saturday we wandered around Birmingham. I was trying not to spend loads of money, but I love the city anyway. There is something about it that I approve of. It manages to combine being laid-back with funny accents and cool shops/pubs/restaurants. I raise a glass of chicken Bovril in its honour.
Quite a sleepy weekend really.


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