Friday, October 01, 2004

The Effects Of A Bored Mind

I received the following in an email this morning…

CSC are now actively tracking internet traffic over the next few weeks. They are specifically targeting individual's usage, namely:

Which sites people access / try to access;
How often they try to access them;
What time of day they are being accessed.

You have been warned!


Blah de blah (name of manager person, written in joined up handwriting font, which obviously means he is important)

Bugger. What the hell am I meant to do now to fill the large dull expanses of the day? Write blogs about nothing (like this one)? Meditate for long periods of the day? Or do some work?
I suppose that all blogs will have to be mailed home now, rather than being stuck on the net when I've finished them. Jesus, if they didn't give me money for coming here I don't think I'd bother. Where is the love?
I like how all managers use the word 'Regards' in emails. I personally use 'cheers', and I don't see what's wrong with that. Or maybe 'Thanks' or just putting your name. If I see an email ending "Regards, *name*" I know that the person sending the email is finding it difficult not to express his utter contempt for everyone on the distribution list. What is actually being said is, "I don't like you all as I am here to forward my career and you are all potential threats. Even you Thickie-Jim, with your fake fucking incompetence, and intense odour. I know what you're all up to and I won't rest until you're all crushed under my boot. My boot of course is actually a sensible Clarks black shoe."

He might as well have said "I hates yez, I hates yez all". If the voice of Spuggy from Byker Grove could be attached to an email. I believe this will only be possible in Outlook 2005 though.

So, in exactly one weeks time I will be 30 years old. My brother went slightly odd when he hit 30, by having a tattoo. I haven't noticed any mental effects yet. I have slightly regressed over the last year or two, by becoming a bit nerdier and obsessive. I don't even think that this is true as I've always become easily obsessed in stuff. So, I haven't really noticed any difference. I'm a bit wider than I was when I was 20, but that excludes the fact that in the last year of uni I lived off butter pies and crisps, so that by the time I hit 23 I was pretty much the weight I am now.
My hair is shorter but not thinner. I like my life now better than I ever have before.
So, I think I'm okay with being 30. I genuinely don't give a toss. Still, it's good that people think that it's an important milestone as I might get lots of presents. Glenn likes presents.
I suppose I'd better think of a suitable present for Nick, who hits 30 about a month after me. What should I get the wonky faced father of one?

I am ridiculously excited about seeing Embrace tonight. Ridiculous when you consider that I've seen them perform 4 times in the last month, and watched them play the new single for over 5 hours on Tuesday. We're going to Manchester early so we can have some food and meet up with our new "Embrace friends" for a drink if we have time. I'd like to check the message board and see how the gig in Glasgow went last night, yet I can't now as the internet is being monitored.

I've become enchanted by Championship Manager again. During the horrendously long 4-month summer holidays from uni it was the one thing that kept me going. Well, that was the case during the 1st year to 2nd year break, and the 2nd year to 3rd. The huge break from June 1996 to February 1997 when I started work was taken up by trying to devise ways to waste the days. I'm surprised Nick and I hadn't killed each other by the end of it. Then again I formed a lot of friendships that I have till this day during that long sabbatical.
Anyway, I was off sick yesterday and found that playing Championship Manager took my mind off the fact that I had just chucked up undigested noodles into the toilet. It was good, I enjoyed it (the computer game, not the being sick). I feel happy when I am obsessed.

Can you tell that I'm really struggling to think of anything to write about?


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