Thursday, September 02, 2004

I just got a phonecall at work. It was from a BT voice/text service, where it seems that you can text your message to a normal phone and a posh lady will read out what you've been sent.
Anyway, my message (from a number I don't recognise) was "cheesey peas".
Who sent that do ya reckon? Paul? Nige? John W? Dave? As they knew my work number I'm guessing it was probably Nige. He only left last Friday and already he's bored stupid. We're going to meet him today at lunchtime.
Gah, my teeth hurt. The dentist witch has got her revenge in earlier than I thought. I woke up in pain last night at about 3am, and had to sit up for a couple of hours until tiredness overtook the pain. It doesn't help that I naturally have tendencies for insomnia, I ended up sat on nexus at 4am, wondering if there was anyone else in the world to talk to. Maybe I can set up an Indie Insomniacs club.
I've taken some painkillers this morning so it doesn't hurt as bad at the moment. I'm not 100% sure what is actually hurting, it just seems to be a general ache around where my filling was. Tooth pain is a fucker though.
Well, we go back to London tomorrow. We are seeing Embrace at the Shepherd Bush Empire on Friday night. Maybe if it's sunny we can check out Kew Gardens or something.
We are also going to see Morrissey on the Friday afterwards. Heh, this autumn is shaping up to be a gigcentric as the last one.
Aagh, autumn!
We saw Embrace in Preston on Tuesday. I was stood right next to a speaker, so my hearing has only just returned to normal. The acoustics are quite poor in The Mill, especially when it's full. I think this is probably down to the low ceiling. It gets worse the further back you stand though, so I didn't really suffer where I was standing. It was still a bit 'squelchy' though, the sound guys are fucking with me. Hopefully there will be better sound in London, Manchester and Liverpool than there has been in Preston and Stafford. Jesus, that's a lot of times to see the one band. BUT I'VE BEEN WAITING NEARLY 3 YEARS DAMMIT!
Tuesday was the first gig I haven't taken pics at since I bought my new whizzy camera. Odd really as I would have got some firking quality pics where I was stood. Especially when Danny was going a bit mental.
It was a great gig, I've heard the new songs enough now to pick out the song structure and some of the lyrics, and it's always great to hear The Good Will Out, My Weakness…etc.
There was a really annoying girl who was stood to the side for most of the gig, but when they played the couple of songs she knew, she'd push past everyone to get into the middle. When I say 'push past' I mean actually 'shove everyone out of the way without even a word of apology'. I was sincerely hoping that a girl would punch her in the face. I think people less-and-less give a fuck about the other people around them.
The band seemed really up for it on Tuesday. Danny was chatty, as was Richard, and there was a lot of spazzing during the songs. Hmm, I'll write a full review for Indietron. Highlight though was Danny clambering on the wire trays during 'The Good Will Out'.

Ripon Street has kindly supplied me with two CNPS numbers this week. I now need a 32. There is one on a bright yellow Beetle on site, but annoyingly they keep parking in different positions. Some people are so selfish. Don't they know I'm playing the most pointless, infuriating and mindless game ever invented? Hopefully the train tomorrow will go past a car park filled with consecutively numbered cars (starting from 32).


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