Thursday, January 15, 2004

Last night we went to the Star& Garter in Manchester. The “we” in question was Marie, Dave, Liam and oneself. The same lot who a few months earlier has seen Okkervil River in the same place. It’s quite cool in there, it’s really grubby but has a cool “indie” feel to it. Liam certainly noticed that there were ‘some fit indie chicks’ (© Liam Astley) in there. I just remember wanting to punch a couple of people stood behind me who talked all night and kept drunkenly stumbling into me.
Anyhow, we were there to see Herman Dune – winners of the coveted GDA Record of The Year Award for 2003. We had to watch three other bands first, the first two I didn’t catch the names of – the third were called The Broken Family Band. I thought they were quite good at first but after about half an hour of it, I became a bit bored and concerned myself with the irritating people instead. The singer of TBFB looked like the first time cottager guy off Monkey Dust.
We did managed to buy some merchandise off one of the guys of Herman Dune though – a t-shirt for Glenn, a CD for Glenn –which I’m listening to now- and a CD for Marie.
They were ace when they played – they only played about three songs off Mas Cambios, and all late in the set. This was a slight shame. It was mainly songs off the early album, plus some of their individual material, which was played. David was the friendly cheery one, Andre preferred to try and look mean and moody in sunglasses and big ear protectors. Indeed!
I really enjoyed it and it was nice to see the place full, there seemed quite a few knowledgeable people dotted around as well. You know, the sort who ask for songs in the back catalogue to be played. It did make me feel a bit sad that there were only a handful of us to see Okkervil River a few months back. People need educating…

We’re going to see Lost In Translation tomorrow. I’m looking forward to that, Bill Murray is something of a god.

I went to the dentist the other night. Jesus, they’re shit. I hadn’t had a filling for about three years and I’d sort of forgotten about how bad they are at my dentist. I’d blanked out the time they’d fused a tooth nerve into a filling and put me in complete agony – hey, I’d even forgotten about when they put a filling in without numbing the area first.
Well they topped themselves this time – drilling all over the place before the injection had taken hold, plus then rushing the whole thing and leaving me with the thought they’d only done half a job. Oh they had done half a job, I have to go back on the 30th April. Ha! I’ll show them, I’m going to eat a bag of sugar a day to destroy my teeth. Ha ha, who’ll be laughing then? Not me anyway, I’ll probably be making some sort of lippy rasp.


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