Friday, May 09, 2003

Early shifts are very tiring. It's kind of dispiriting to have been at work for 5 hours and for it to only be half ten in the morning.
Still, I think you should look on the bright side of everything. I get to go home early....

It was my uncle Joe who told me to always look on the bright side of a situation. My uncle had retired early from his job making mint balls because of poor circulation in his legs. The situation got worse and eventually he ended up in hospital. Well the doctors were good but there didn't seem to be anything they could do for him and the decision was made to amputate both of his legs.
I thought this would be a huge blow to such a proud, independent man, so I went to visit him in hospital.
He was sat in a chair beside his hospital bed, wearing his stripey blue pyjamas with two bandages wrapped over the stumps where his legs used to be. I was so surprised to see such a huge grin on his face when I arrived. He told me that there was always a glimmer of brightness in even the darkest of situations and it was important to cherish these. I asked what he meant.
He told me that even though he had lost both of his legs and this was a huge blow to take, he had sold his slippers to the man in the next bed.


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