Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Lane Ends Traffic Flow Unfairness

I was going to write in here more often but BAe decided to block www.blogger.com. That was nice of them, the miserable fucks.
So this is typed at work but posted from home. A bit of a pain in the arse and something that might stop me scribbling in here as often as I’d like.

I went to chat with Fraser last week to tell him about something that has been troubling me for a while. I think I’ve written in here about my waning enthusiasm for Indietron nights and so last week I told Fraser that I wanted to knock it on the head, at least for the time being. He persuaded me to just have a hiatus, with the possibility of starting it up again in a few months if I get my enthusiasm back. Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t.
It’s a shame in a way and I didn’t take the decision lightly. It was one of the coolest things I’ve done, but after 18 months I found myself resenting the time it took to come up with an entertaining setlist, compile the silly little videos we show on the big screen, and to stick all the posters up around town. It took a bit of a kicking from the smoking ban, and a few other things combined to make it less ‘fun’ in the last few months.
But I’ve spent the last week moping about it slightly and remembering the fun things about it; the nights when friends had a great time, playing records that excite random strangers in the place, the goodie bags, the badges, the other opportunities it threw up…
And it has made me some friends and given me these other opportunities, just sadly not enough of this latter category. I think I want to try other things, see if the website can be salvaged (it’d make me sad for Indietron to die off totally), and to do other things that are creative, challenging, and that word ‘fun’ again.
So, a bit sad but maybe it’s the right decision for now.

What else has happened? Well I booked a 6 berth chalet for ATP in May, an event which should be utterly fucking amazing. Have you seen the line-up?

At the start of January I was filled with this desire to sort things out in my life. I’m doing okay financially in that respect: sorting out bank accounts, moving shares around, looking for cheaper home insurance.
I’m going to start the garden in the next couple of weeks as well, which should be good. I can’t wait to hold my first BBQ.
One thing hasn’t really gone to plan though…

Last year I became a bit stuck with CNPS. My life became rather busy so I stopped wasting time looking for number plates and in the whole of 2007 I advanced from 505 to 596. Which is piss-poor. But, realising that I had to finish it I’ve been filled with a zeal to do far better in 2008. With this illogical desire to “do well” at something so utterly pointless I bet Al at work that I could get to 800 by the end of the year. What was I thinking?
And in the first three weeks of this bet, how many number plates had I spotted?


It wasn’t like I hadn’t been looking, I’d been putting a stupid amount of effort in to spot 597 but I couldn’t see it anywhere. It was depressing.
I finally saw it on the way to see British Sea Power last weekend. And how many have I spotted in the seven days since then?


Ha, thought I was gonna say none didn’t you? Well, in your face mister cynic because I’ve been very successful. That “success” is of course spotting number plates so maybe I should not use that particular noun. Unless it’s in the context of “success in wasting my one go at life”.

Anyway, here’s my graph…

Oh, I’ve done some Indietron reviews as well. Go and check them out, and then write some of your own.


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